36. Chaos in the Field

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Well, that seemed to be it. Ymir had chosen her side. By leaving Eren and (y/n) in the dark, she favored Reiner and Berthold over them. True, she seemed to do so because of Christa, but it was painful nevertheless.

(y/n) looked to the horizon, out over the fields at the edge of the forest. One more hour till sundown... Once it was dark out they would head off again, and all hope (y/n) and Eren had for getting found by the scouts would be gone.

But if it means that the rest is safe... she thought, perhaps that's worth it? She wanted to believe it, but she knew damn well that the scouts needed her and Eren if they were to find the basement and seal up Wall Maria.

Reiner looked at the horizon too, but only because something caught his eye. Something quite problematic, in his eyes. Signal flares. Somehow, the scouts had managed to track them, and they were close.

"Berthold!" Reiner angrily whispered. He walked over.

"Th-, the scouting legion? Already?!" Berthold joined him in his despair.

"... We have to go. Now." Reiner decided, before jumping to the branch Eren and (y/n) were on.

"What the fuck is it?" (y/n) asked moodily. "It's not night yet." she pointed out.

"Please, don't be difficult. We're leaving. Now." Reiner spoke sternly, though he seemed to have trouble taking on such a tone with (y/n).

"Don't be difficult"? Does he not realize he's also speaking to Eren Jaeger? The biggest hothead still alive in humanity? (y/n) thought.

Reiner made his way to Eren to try and tie him to his back, but naturally, Eren seemed to resist a little.

"DIE! DIE, YOU ANIMAL! I'll fucking kill you! LET GO!" Eren squealed, trying to fight off a 6 foot 2 Reiner, who in fact had all of his limbs, unlike Eren. Despite the dire situation, it was almost comical to watch. Eren started munching away on his stump, trying to shift. He seemed to be losing energy, and lost his fiery will slowly. Reiner gave him a hard tap on the head and he was out. With Bertholds help, Eren was strapped to Reiners back.

"Please, don't make me hurt you, (y/n). Just cooperate." Reiner practically begged her, a limp Eren hanging from behind him.

"Stop talking to me all pleadingly. You've lost that privilege. You're a murderer now, aren't you? So act like one. The more you try to hold on to your humanness the more I am disgusted by you." She muttered, not looking at him, but also not trying to run away. That would be difficult without feet, anyway. Reiner gulped as he looked at her, still not wanting to come to terms with who he really was, a warrior, rather than a soldier. He picked her up with his left arm, her being so tiny that she was hardly extra baggage.

They took off on ODM-Gear, Berthold holding Ymir, but everything went far from smoothly. Ymir was so dead set on taking Christa with them, she threatened to turn on Reiner and Berthold if they didn't go along with it. Apparently... Christa was of some importance to them, and suddenly (y/n) wished she had spent more time eavesdropping on their conversations rather that sulking in Reiner and Bertholds betrayal, and in her worry over Levi. She did remember a certain term they used... 'Coordinate', it was.

They thought Christa might have 'it'... 'the coordinate'... and that's why they needed her to come along, just in case she does... What the hell could that be? (y/n) pondered.

After Ymir convinced them to listen to her and her plan, Ymir split away from the group. A loud lightning crash confirmed her transformation into her titan form. She'd wait for Christa, take her in her mouth and return to the others, without killing her, of course.

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