66. Resolution

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(y/n) thanked the heavens when she woke up the next day that it was Historia's birthday. Just as the phony King's birthday had always been a day off, now so was Historia's. 

If (y/n) had been forced to continue with titan testing the day after her fight with Levi, she might have called in sick. 

Tch-, 'fight'. That's an understatement. 

Though, (y/n) had to admit to herself, things always did seem worse in the evening. In the morning light, her more rational, less emotional side was silently and shyly questioning all that had happened the day before. 

He'd been so sweet as of late-, just a few days ago saying he loved me-, and saying stuff like 'I'll wait a lifetime for you', and then this? It's just so-, so odd, I don't-... She wondered as she got dressed absent-mindedly, unaware of Eren eyeing her worriedly from the side of his bed. Then again, he admitted it, didn't he? God-, that conversation happened so fast I barely remember what either of us said, though I remember how it ended... 

"Okay (y/n), you need to tell me what's up." Eren spoke gravely, catching (y/n) off guard. 

"What? What are you talking about?" 

"For the past few days you've looked increasingly worried and annoyed, and you're wearing a constant frown. Even now, when just having woken up." he explained. (y/n) didn't know how to react, she'd been so stuck inside her own head the last few days she hadn't thought about the other people around her perhaps noticing.

"Also," Eren continued awkwardly, "I know it's none of my business, but you're my best friend, so don't hate me, but I've noticed you haven't spent a lot of time with The Cap-, Levi, lately. Not really after you guys... You know. Had sex. I'm just-, I'm worried about you." he looked genuinely alarmed. As (y/n) looked into his concerned green eyes she dropped her cold exterior, slouching and shaking her head slightly. "Did he hurt you?" Eren asked softly. (y/n)'s face screwed up in disbelief. 

"No-, oh my god not, no. Eren, don't worry about that," she had her hands up defensively, Eren began to nod, believing her. "Well, I mean, it did hurt quite a bit, obviously, I mean Levi's like super b-"

"(Y/N)-" Eren now stopped her, holding his hands up too and squeezing his eyes shut, not wanting to hear - and definitely not wanting to visualize - what (y/n) was saying. "I'm glad that's not it. But what is it then?"

(y/n) was quiet for a second. Where to begin? It wasn't necessarily a very long story, but (y/n) simply felt extremely embarrassed. Rejected. Fooled. Like a dumb kid. 

"Well-, at first I thought I was making myself crazy, being super jealous of Lieutenant Caroline, but now I wish that were the case..."  (y/n) began, and before she realized it she was spilling her guts out to Eren about everything that had happened. 

She explained it from start to finish, it beginning with Levi first saying (y/n) couldn't come sleep over the night after the ball since he still had a late meeting with Caroline, Hanji and Erwin...  (y/n) felt like a hot iron was being stabbed through her chest as she began to wonder whether Levi may have just said that to sleep with Caroline then, too. 

Then, Caroline's excessive touching of Levi at every dinner, her being in his room late at night, revealing they used to sleep together, her apparently emerging from said room the next morning... And to top it off, Levi seeming to admit to (y/n)'s allegations on the balcony the previous night, Caroline going up there just as she left. 

Eren's eyes were as wide as (y/n) had ever seen them. She ended her rant with an unaesthetic; "So yeah. That was that." 

She had managed to get through her story without crying, since she spoke quickly and almost business-like, but only as she had finished did she realize her body was shaking with unresolved anger and hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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