4. Campfire with Levi

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"Now. Just being strong isn't enough. You need to have basic survival skills! That's why, tomorrow morning we're leaving for the woods at 5 am sharp! Take a backpack of what you think is necessary with you. We'll be leaving this place behind for quite a while so don't forget anything!" Shadis yelled.

Everyone was actually quite excited for this so called 'camping trip'. They were wrong to be excited though.

Running through the rain with your tent, sleeping bag and other belongings for hours on end is no fun whatsoever. Sadly, Armin had forgotten his rain cloak. The problem was, that Armin already had a starting fever. So before anyone else could, (y/n) took off her rain cloak and forced it on him. So everyone was keeping nice and dry under their cloaks and hoods except (y/n).

It also bothered (y/n) that Shadis was allowed on a horse, just shouting at everyone whilst they fought their way forward. She was intrigued to see two other horses join up with him. She ran a little faster so that she was running next to the 3 horses. Under the cloaks she recognized Erwin and Levi.

"Hey... It's them!" she mumbled to herself.

Levi, who was most to her side, noticed her running beside him, soaking wet, with her (h/c) hair dripping and clinging to her face. His eyebrows raised in surprise and slight amusement.

Of course, out of everyone here, she's the only one that's completely soaked.

(y/n) noticed his face.

I guess the only time he looks...' not-angry' is when he sees others suffer. Pff, truly a sadist.. (y/n) thought, but she couldn't help smiling, even when trying to look angry. Levi looked away, not wanting to admit to her or himself that this young girl actually amused him. (y/n) looked away too.

My cheeks feel hot... Could I be-, could I be blushing over Corporal Levi? No... I'm sure it's just the running. I'm sure. She convinced herself.

(y/n) noticed Armin in front of her, whose facial expression wasn't very positive.

"Armin! You doin' okay?" (y/n) yelled at him through the rain. He seemed to be at the point of passing out.

"I-... I'm doing okay! I'm so sorry! You're drenched!" He yelled back, looking very guilty.

"It's okay! The water's grown on me!" (y/n) joked, getting a small, cute smile from a sick Armin.

He amazes me. He's not much of a fighter but he does have some great damn determination.

After another hour or so of running through a wet hell, they had arrived at the campsite, according to Shadis.

(y/n) met up with her friends and they put their individual tents up in close proximity. The rain had stopped, but the wind was strong.

Everyone was ordered to collect wood for large campfire that would be placed in the middle of the campgrounds. With much effort, people got the soaked wood to catch fire.

All (y/n)'s friends were given another task of collecting fresh drinking water for everyone after Jean made a snide remark at Shadis. (y/n) had just slipped away in time not to be caught up in the punishment.

It was dark out, and extremely cold and quite windy. She was shaking like crazy, and standing a little too close to the fire than was recommended.

(y/n) was just about ready to jump into the fire when someone yelled her name.

"Oi, (y/n)!" she heard someone behind her yell. She turned around to see Levi standing about 10 yards away, and to see a blanket being thrown at her. She caught it, and welcomed its soft- and dryness.

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