65. Redemption

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Caroline was gone. Out of sight, though definitely not out of mind. It was just (y/n) and the door in that moment. She feared what would be beyond it. Would it be Levi, fast asleep, unaware of Caroline and the lie she had just told? Or would it be Levi with his hair disheveled and half-naked, Caroline's scent lingering on his skin? 

(y/n) didn't know how long she was standing in front of the door, in limbo. Might just have been a few seconds, might have been ten minutes. She wanted to run, like she had done last night, but she now reckoned that was a mistake. 

If I had just gone in-... she chastised herself. Though in all honesty, she knew that if the only thing preventing Levi cheating on her was her bursting through the door right before it happened, it wouldn't stop him another time, and he still wouldn't truly love her. 

She opened the door, and walked in with a steady pace. She looked for Levi but couldn't find him. She stopped in the middle of the room, and only then did she hear the shower running. 

He's in the shower.

She didn't know what that meant. It didn't make things better. He technically wasn't dressed, as Caroline foretold. If they'd have had-, (y/n) gulped, had sex, him taking a shower would make sense...

Did she want to go in there and smack the truth out of him? Definitely, but (y/n) simply couldn't bring herself to truly believe it yet. At least, not enough to barge into his bathroom unannounced, rip away the shower curtain and start beating Levi to a pulp whilst he was fully nude. There's a mental image, a silly voice in her mind thought.

Besides, no matter how caught off guard Levi would be, he'd probably still be able to restrain (y/n) in a heartbeat, and she didn't want his hands on her, not knowing where they'd been.

She once again stood frozen, trapped inside her own body, her mind racing with everything she could do but nothing that she wanted to do. I could trash his room, but he'd hear me. And someone else might have to clean it up. Plus, wouldn't that make Caroline the winner? Despite that she was heartbroken, she felt she could save a little dignity by not acting out like a child. A child... That's exactly what I would seem compared to Caroline, wouldn't I? She began to tear up again. 

An optimistic thought popped into her head, and she sped out of the room quickly and silently. 

She looked up and down the hallway hopefully, and walked to the other side of it, away from Levi's room.

(y/n) checked the doors, but her hope soon faded as she realized that that particular floor was separated in two parts; the women's side and the men's side. Caroline had emerged from the men's side, whilst her own bedroom was clearly on the women's side, along with Hanji's room and that of a few others. (y/n)'s mouth went dry. 

That's it then. He's cheated. 

"(y/n)? Out for a morning stroll around the castle?" A deep voice from behind (y/n) startled her. 

"Erwin! Hi-, sorry, I didn't see you there," she stammered, instantly reminding herself to put up a happy exterior. Erwin didn't ask her what she was doing there purposely, since he simply figured she'd spent the night with Levi. He furrowed his thick eyebrows in worry. (y/n) noticed that his hair was wet. 

"(y/n), are you alright? You seem distressed.." he caught on quickly, placing a large hand on her shoulder. 

"I-, I'm fine. Really. Didn't get much sleep last night." she attempted to sound genuine. She hated lying to Erwin, it felt wrong on a friendship level as well as an official level, lying to the Commander. Erwin's face turned from worried to slightly amused and suggestive, and it made (y/n)'s stomach curl when she realized Erwin was assuming that Levi was the one who'd kept her up that night. Nope, not me. I can't speak for that whore, however... 

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