11. Levi's abs and scars

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They rode for a long time, (y/n) and Eren at the back, talking animatedly like they always did. Levi was curious as to what they spoke about, since he sometimes heard (y/n) laugh loudly. As he looked behind him he would see her face, smiling broadly. Eren would say something, and her face would light up even more and she'd laugh an endearing laugh.

She and Eren seem to be good friends. He thought, not thinking anything more of it. He did wonder though why (y/n) had decided to crawl into his tent, instead of Eren's if they were so obviously close. He came to the conclusion that it was just because his tent was closest.

"I wonder what would happen though..." (y/n) wondered aloud. "Say all the titans are dead, right? What would the population do?"

"Well.. I think a bunch of them would stay in the walls, you know, because it's what they're used to. But I think many others would go exploring like you and me. Farmers would claim land nearby the walls so they could sell their crops to the inhabitants, I guess."

"Right, I was thinking the same."

"So with whom would we go? To explore." Eren asked, his eyes bright and hopeful.

"You and me, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, Marco, Krista, Ymir, Annie and Jean, I guess."

Eren laughed. "As if Jean would ever dare set foot outside the walls."

(y/n) chimed in with laughter. The road widened, and Eren and (y/n) sped up a little to ride near the front, sick of seeing horse's asses all day.

They were now in ear-shot of Levi.

"But yeah," Eren continued, "that sounds about right. Sasha could help us hunt for food, Armin would be able to help plan everything out for us... We'd make a great team."

"Hell yeah! And then after a while, you marry Mikasa, and Christa marries Ymir, and Armin will marry Annie, and Connie will marry Sasha, Marco will marry Jean and uhh-, well that leaves me and Reiner. He's nice. I'm okay with marrying him." (y/n) said, imagining all the couples in her head.

Eren blushed. "You've been thinking quite ahead, haven't you?"

"Of course! So do you agree with the couples?"

"Uhm- well, I don't know whether Jean and Marco and Christa and Ymir are even like that, and I've never really thought about Mikasa like that..." he said, obviously shy. "And Annie and Armin? Seriously?" he added, skepticism clear in his voice.

(y/n) pulled a face. "Yeah.. It's not perfect.. But Connie and Sasha make a good match, right?"

"Yeah, sure. You and Reiner, too." Eren said.

(y/n) blushed. She always had a little thing for Reiner. He had that big-strong-guy feel.

She laughed nervously. "You think so?"

"Yeah, totally. You're both strong, and I think he already has a crush on you. Uhm- don't tell him I said that, by the way."

"I won't tell. Wow... Reiner? Nahh..." (y/n) pondered aloud, her cheeks still red.

"Would you guys shut up already? We're here." Levi said from behind them.

Right as they turned the corner, they saw a beautiful, large castle.

"Wow... It's amazing!" (y/n) exclaimed. "Race ya?" she challenged Eren.

"You bet!" he said as he started galloping already, getting an unfair head start.

"HEY! CHEATER!" she yelled as she went after him.

Eren arrived a split second earlier.

"No fair.." (y/n) mumbled.

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