33. Changes Ahead

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"I can see lights coming from the castle... The others must already be there, at Utgard Castle." (y/n) muttered, eager to see her friends.

She picked up the speed, and soon she was almost in front of Levi when she remembered the last time she rode past him because she wanted to get to her friends as fast as possible. She swallowed back her worry and stayed beside him rather than behind or in front of him. (y/n) noticed that the sky had started to brighten, and some first rays of sun dared creep beyond the horizon, providing them with a better view of the Castle. When (y/n) saw the Castle in the new-found light she wished it had stayed dark. The walls of the castle were hardly visible past the tens of titans that stood in front of it, or even inside the court of the castle. They were under siege, and there were only a few towers left standing, and only barely.

"Tch, fuck, the place is surrounded... EVERYONE! Have your ODMGear at the ready! This is gonna get bloody!" Levi spoke. (y/n) swallowed and tightly gripped her ODM handles.

"Le-, Captain! You're injured, your ankle is broken. I strongly advise you to steer clear of any fighting, sir! The Wall is very close, we can meet with you there." (y/n) spoke, doing her best to make her proposition sound like it came from a strategic place, rather than her simply being worried about Levi. She made a good point, felt the others. To fight with a broken ankle takes away an enormous amount of mobility. Mikasa felt a pinch of shame for being the cause of his injury, when she decided to try and kill Annie when Levi had ordered her specifically not to.

Levi looked at her with a sideways glance. His expression said 'are you serious?' combined with a tiny smirk.

You actually 'advise' me to not fight, and to just fuck off to the Wall on my own? Are you stupid? (y/n) guessed his thoughts from his skeptical facial expression.

"Well it's a good thing that I don't have to take advice from you, then." he spoke, looking ahead, ignoring her exasperated sigh. "Hanji, you take Mikasa and Eren to the southern tower and exterminate the titans in the vicinity. (y/n), Armin, you're with me. The rest, search for survivors, finish off any titans caught under the rubble, also, don't die."

(y/n) kept her mouth shut despite wanting to argue. It's insane. He's insane. He can hardly walk without limping. How the hell do you go from hardly walking to flying around and killing titans?

"OFF YOUR HORSES, ENGAGE IN ODM!" Levi yelled, catching (y/n) off guard and pulling her out of her imaginary argument.

(y/n) shot her wire in the back of a tall titan that was edging over the crumbled outer wall of the castle, swinging up to slice its nape. Its warm blood gushed all over her, but she had no time to think of it. The other titans had noticed the fresh bunch who just arrived, which made dodging their hands and mouths that much harder. She was also consciously busy trying to keep track of where Levi was, but he was so fast it was almost impossible.

Her lack of focus immediately took effect, because unlike ever before a titan actually caught her off guard. Before it could grasp her, which would almost instantly mean the end for her, she sliced its fingers off, ran up its arm and made her way to its nape. It was not that much of a 'close call', but much closer than usual.

"(Y/N)! You IDIOT! What the hell was that?!" she heard a familiar voice shout from 30 yards behind her. She looked behind to see Levi, with a trail of steam and perhaps 8 titans behind him. Firstly, she was glad that he was (obviously) doing fine, secondly, how dare he be able to kill so many titans, not be covered in blood, and have been able to keep such a watchful eye on her that he noticed her little blunder? She frowned at him.

"Ch-, just when I think I'm nearing his level..." she muttered to herself, unable for Levi to hear from where he stood. All he saw was her aggressively cutting down another titan and not stopping after that.

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