56 : " But I never believed her."

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Okay okay okay I know you all are very very very angry on me for being this late.

I know its my fault. I disappeared just too long.

But what could I have done?

My 1st proffessional MBBS examination extended from December to February.

Finally after my practicals got over in February, I came back home for some rest and spent most of the time with my cousins.

Then again in March...back to college. I was planning to write then. But nothing came into my mind.

All this Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry that I overflowed my mind with, in all these 4 months, had wiped away everything else.

I would write a paragraph and then delete the draft. I couldn't write more than that.

In short.....I was going through a WRITER'S BLOCK.

And regular classes of my 3rd sem and hospital visits didn't help much. You know how much tiring it would become when you have to roam the wards of the hospital, taking history of patients and presenting them to your professors, in that scorching heat, and then taking the bus to go back to college.........and again attending classes.

I was exhausted.

Finally it took me the college shutting down and me being down with Covid 19 and quarantined for a week now, to finally unblock my mind and try writing something.

Yes...I am positive with Corona. But I'll be alright.

So here's the chapter after a lot of struggle.

And warning...this is crap.


Please forgive for being so late. I'll try my best to keep up this time.

Okay okay.....enough of my rants.

First you enjoy the chapter..



He opened the door to find the room empty. He looked around to find all the things on the table scattered. Looked as if someone had tried to break everything in anger. A frame lied broken on the floor. Someone had smashed it in anger. He walked up and picked it. It pinched his heart. It was a painting. A painting of the dweller of the room.

She had smashed her own potrait in anger. Anger on what?.....Herself?

With a heavy heart he placed the broken potrait on the chair and went on to set the table. He cleaned the rest of the room before moving towards the balcony. He was sure he would find her there.

And there she stood. Still in the same dress since the morning. Leaning on the railings and gazing at the stars. Trying to find answers. Answers to her unlimited questions.

Why was her life like this?

Why did this happen to her?

What was her fault?

Why did she have to suffer?

How can she survive now?

So many questions. But no answers. Her eyes focused on that one star that shone the brightest and then her gaze fell on the one beside it. Her eyes were blank, but seeking solace.

He walked up to just stand beside her, not even speaking a word. He knew she could feel his presence and that's all he wanted for now. To assure her of his support. In any step she took, he would be there for her. He wanted her to know just that.

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