67: A wish with the Setting Sun.

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Thank you friends for all your supporting words in the last update. It really means a lot.

Okay.....here I am with the new update.

Target for next update- No target...just let me know how many of you actually like my story.

Now....enjoy the chappy guys....




Oh My God!

I can't even say anything. This is just so awesome!

As soon as we reached the place, Manik came to my side, opening the door for me and guiding me out with my hand. Well...he had blindfolded me so...

We walked some distance. The air smelt so fresh, just like morning dew. I was constantly asking him about our destination but he was as silent as a tree.

Finally...like finally he stood still and opened that black cloth from my eyes, only for me to stare in shock.

There stood our friends and family. All ready in casual trekking outfits, at the entry of ' The Watkins Glen State Park Gorge Trail'..... one of the most popular and exciting hikes in NYC.

I stared at the smiling faces of Navya,Abhi and the Fab4, who grinned back at me with Arya, Maddy, George and Lexi standing beside them. I turned to my side to see my man, leaning by a pole with his hands in his pockets and a lazy smile on his face. Controlling my sudden urge to attack him and kiss the hell out of him, I mouthed a ' Thank you ', to which he replied with a sweet smile and a flying kiss making me grin.

I was suddenly engulfed in a sudden hug by Navya who jumped on me followed by Abhi. Both had slight tears in there eyes, just like me. And suddenly I realised....." Oh how much I missed these two Amigos. My two lifelines." Hugging them to my dear life, tears rolled down my eyes, finally feeling at home again. Yes. My family.

Fab 3 too came forward to engulf me in a group hug while Bir just dropped a soft kiss on my forehead wishpering a series of ' Miss you's in my ears. I too clung to him a bit longer feeling the protective brotherly feeling I got in his arms. Everyone around was passing looks seeing our family reunion, some admired us while some made faces. But I cared about none. I was finally with my family after what felt like a decade and I was in no mood to tone down my excitement.

" Oh My God! Tu kitni dubli ho gayi hai Nanni!( How thin have you become Nanni!)", and here comes over dramatic Mumma Bose, making me and Abhi facepalm ourselves and others chuckle. I just hugged her and placed a tight kiss on her cheek while she made a face, playfully hitting my arm.

After what felt like an eternity, finally George walked forward to pull us all out of our family land and reminded that it was getting late for the trail.

" Han han chalo chalo. We need to reach the summit too. Its so amazing there!", I yelled making everyone chuckle while my Hanstens gang just facepalmed themselves. Well, I have visited this place for like more than 10 times but still I get excited whenever I come here. I love treks you know.

Manik came forward and wrapped his hands around my waist. " Lets go then baby.", he said and walked with a blushing me, completely ignoring the teasing stares and hoots from the others.

End of pov

The trail continued with the gang reliving their memories while Fab 5 laughing listening to their tales.

" You remember when we decided to plan an all-boys trek and you girls were like breathing fire for being left out? It was so amazing to see you all sulking in the canteen, whinning about anything and everything. Especially Nandu.", Arya said teasingly and the Hansten boys laughed out loud remembering the incident while the girls whined making the Fab 5 amused. These people were so much like them. They can see their own reflections in their friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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