4: Can We Meet Again?

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Malhotra Mansion

Manik was sitting in his balcony sipping coffee and thinking about his meeting with Nandu. When asked about his decision, he had just asked for some more time and came up to his room after asking Navya to send a cup of coffee for him.

Manik's pov:

Nandini... The first thing that comes to mind when I take her name is her beauty. She has that ethereal beauty that can make me transfixed anytime I look at her. Her eyes.... There was so much hidden in those doe eyes that it made me restless for a moment. I don't know what she is hiding but that flash of hurt when she was explaining her trust issues still got to me.

I don't know why but I just couldn't stop myself from telling those things to her. I want to win her trust. But will she even give me a chance?

Why would she Malhotra? What do you even mean to her? Just her sister's brother -in law and may be a prospect that she can reject any moment.

"Anyway thats her decision Malhotra. For you now its important what you want to do. Do you want to take a step forward?", thevoice in me asked.

" I don't know.", I said going back into my thoughts. What am I supposed to do? How am I even supposed to decide by just meeting her once?

" So just go meet her again. Talk to her more. Try to understand her more. Maybe then you will be able to have a clear mind about her?", the voice said again and I sighed. I think he is right.

( His thoughts were broken by a ring of his phone. )

Who the fuck is calling me now? Fuck! Mukti! I forgot to catch up with her about the updates of our next album. Mukti is gonna kill me.

(He stood up immediately to take the call  and it went on with curses from Mukti.)

Manik's POV ends

Murthy Mansion

The scene here wasn't very different from the former. When Anjali asked Nandini what she thought about Manik she simply said she needs time and came to her room. After a few mins she went to the kitchen and got herself a mug of hot chocolate which was her tonic for deep thoughts and went to her bacony.

Nandini's pov

Aiyappa.. I saw him for the first time in real life today. He looks so handsome! And those eyes.. You can see all of him just through those chocolate brown eyes. His words... his voice...its all so captivating. The lyrics of his songs are so soothing to my broken heart. And today seeing the person behind those beautiful words.. I just can't tell you how I'm feeling Aiyappa.

But then those words he said to me flash in front of me and I get goosebumps. He said he wanted to win my trust. But why Aiyappa? Who am I to him? I am nothing but a prospect. He can anytime just reject me and move on. So why does want me to trust him? Why does he want me to know that he's there for me?

Maybe he's like that only for everyone around him. Hmm his personality reflects empathy. I think that is what it is. But the sincerity in his eyes really did scare me. I don't know about what's gonna happen next.. but I'm sure that I won't get anyone better than him in my life.

The only thing is... am I ready for him?

Nandini's POV ends

Her train of thoughts were broken by a knock on her door. She opened it to find Yug and Anant standing there with three cups of hot chocolate. She let them in who went and sat on her bed.

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