57: "Well Done Wakeel Sahab!"

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I'm back with another chapter...

I'm so happy with your response in the last one. I actually thought I wouldn't be getting more than 50 votes owing to my delay. But my readers proved themselves to be loyal.

Thank you so much guys....

I love you all !!

Okay okay okay....enough of my bakbak. Lets get back to the story..

Enjoy the chappy....

More votes and more comments please. Inline comments would be so loved...


The Mumbai Police Van zoomed off on the way to the court. Today was first the hearing. The day to present one of the greatest criminals in front of the whole world.

Inspector Shinde followed the van with four more constables, on his jeep. He was the officer in charge of this case.

" Take the route of the bridge. It would be shorter.", he said over the intercom, while the others looked confused. Why was he suddenly asking to divert from the usual path?

Neverthless, obeying his senior's order, the driver turned the van towards the bridge.

And it all happened in a flash......


The sound of a bullet echoed in the air as the van lost control on itself swirling over the bridge before it hit the jeep, falling with it into the water below.

And lo behold!

Naveen Aggarwal swam out of the wreckage, shocked at his sudden freedom, swimming with all his might to reach the shore before anyone caught him.

" I'm free? "


Nandini entered Malhotra Heights for the very first time in her life. If the situation would have been different, she would have taken time to admire the beauty of the place. The interiors were better than the exteriors. A perfect blend of beauty with class.

But today she had no time for this. She had many questions in heart, many confusions in her mind. In short....she was a mess.

She walked up to the receptionist asking for Manik, who looked stunned for a moment seeing her Boss's fiancee in front of her before stuttering a reply. In other times, Nandini would have given her a sweet smile and asked her to relax. But today she was impatient.

" What's taking you so long? I asked where is Manik. Tell me fast girl. ", she spoke in a stern voice making the girl more nervous and fumble through the phone trying to contact her Boss.

Nandini was about to shout at her again, when she heard someone.

" Nandini Ma'am aap yahan?", asked Aman who just happened to be passing through the hallway but stopped seeing Nandini there.

" I just wanted to meet Manik. But don't know why your receptionist is taking so long.", she said in a frustrated tone and Aman immediately understood that something was wrong with her. He apologised to her on behalf of Riya and asked her to come with him, taking her to Manik's cabin.

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