53: Analysing It...

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Ok. So guys, this is not an actual chapter.

As the drama is almost over now, lets analyze what actually happened.

It is important to understand who was at fault and how.

(Target for next chapter- same as in the previous one)


Well, to be honest, there was not only one person at fault here. It was a web of mistakes that led to a greater tragedy.

Lets start with the start.

Parosh Chatterjee

He is a well-cultured, strict man. He follows his values and rules pretty well. He has a strong will power and can go to any extent for his family.

But he made a mistake.

When he saw Naveen jerking Niharika and she falling from the terrace, he believed immediately that Naveen had tried to kill her.

He was suspiscious from past many days that Naveen was growing hatred towards Niharika, and he imposed this belief of his, in this situation as well.

He so much got into this that he failed to notice how madly Naveen ran down the stairs to reach his sister.

He failed to realise the fact that, Niharika was after all Naveen's sister and it is hard to belief thing that he would try to kill his own sister.

He should have talked to him before jumping into his own conclusions and telling his own views to Kartik Aggarwal.

His one wrong assumption, spoiled Naveen Aggarwal's life and pented up hatred in him.


Kartik Aggarwal

Kartik Aggarwal was a loving person. His first priority was always his wife whom he loved a lot. He did every possible thing to keep her and his family happy.

When Niharika landed in the hospital, he lost his senses to think anything straight. Neeta, his wife was also not well and this broke him down.

And he did a mistake.

A mistake of not believing his son.

He believed his friend's words and didn't even give Naveen a single chance to defend himself, before accussing him.

His accusations broke Naveen to such an extent that he confessed a crime he had never committed and even accepted punishment for it.

His accusation, somewhere or the other, led to worsening of Neeta's health and finally ďeath.

The second mistake he did was when he went away with his daughter and never came back for his son.

He knew that Naveen will be freed after 3 years. But he didn't come back to take him. He didn't give him a second chance.

Maybe, if he would have given Naveen a second chance and accepted him back as his son, Naveen would never have got involved with mafias.

His mistakes led to destruction of many lives and Niharika became a villian for his deeds, without her fault.


Kartik's mother

Kartik's mother was an orthodox lady who strictly abided by the norms of the society.

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