64: " Aiyappa! My Pasta!"

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I just found the response dropping in the previous update.

Also there were no suggestions when I asked for it. I mean when you all are Manan shippers and Story readers, you must be having some suggestions, some imaginations, some scenes in your mind that you would want me to write. Then whats making you hesitate when the writer here is all the while ready to accept all your ideas? You just have to go into the comment box and write up your thought. Thats it. But no....none of you could do this.

Voting on a story is the easiest thing to do. You read the chapter......you reach the end of the chapter.....you find 4 icons, one of them is a star and one is a message box. Just click on the star and thats it.....the writer is happy and motivated to write more and improve herself.

But no...many of you just scroll down the chapter....read it....and scroll out. Please don't do this guys. Kanjoosi mat dikhao na....its for free. No payments required for voting on a chapter.

I ask for inline comments and only 2 or 3 people do it. I mean its so easy. It feels so interactive and inspires to write more good content. Just select and hold on a line and a small message box appears at the end of the paragraph. Click on it and there you go. Post your views. It makes the writer feel good. Just try once.

Please guys....don't be this silent.

This is the last time. From the next update I would put up targets like I did earlier and no update till target is fulfilled.

Now dive in and enjoy....


The rays of the sun suddenly fell on her face making her whine in sleep. Trying hard to hide it in the pillows, she again attempted to drift back into the peaceful slumber she was having after so long. A hand came on her, caressing her hairs ever so softly as she felt lips trailing over her cheek, making her smile cutely, eyes still closed.

" Wake up Baby. Its a new day. Look. ", came his hushky voice making her fill with content. How badly she had wished to hear his voice whenever she wakes up, soothing all her interiors. Turning a bit with her eyes still closed, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to herself, trying to take in his fresh cologne.

" Good morning.", she said, her voice still groggy of sleep and he chuckled seeing her cuteness. " Its Good afternoon baby. ", he said making her frown as her eyes jerked towards the wall clock only to gasp. It was freaking 12:20! How the hell did she sleep till so late?

Pushing him off her carefully, she woke up with a jerk yelling, " Shit! I got late for hospital. Oh my God! What am I gonna do now? Why didn't you wake me up earlier Manik? How the hell did I sleep till so late?", and he leaned on the bed rest with an irritated expression, silently watching her run here and there looking for things....trying to get ready.

Having enough of her panicking, he sighed and walked up to her, and softly holding her hand, jerked her to himself making her gasp. He held her close to himself, wrapping one of his arms around her waist, and with the other, he cleared the strands that were falling on her face, tucking them behind her ear, slightly trailing his fingers on her neck making her shiver at the proximity.

" You are not going to hospital today. Infact for the whole two weeks. ", he said, gazing into her eyes and she took few moments to process his words before shouting..." What?" And he palmed his ears to prevent them from bursting.

" Damn girl! Spare my ears Murthy!", he said but her eyes were still wide.

" What do you mean by I won't be going to hospital for the next two weeks? What am I gonna do? And how can I take such a long leave? Manik my patients! I have follow ups lining. I have few aneurysms to clip. And I also have that twins' case. What am.....", she was cut off by Manik who kept his palm on her mouth, looking at her irritatedly.

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