62: " I was scared."

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So as promised.....the next part is here.

So....dive in

( Inline comments kar dena pweashhheee * puppy face*)


I looked around. It was all so dark. As if I was in some black hole. I hated it. I wanted to go back. Go back to my family.

I wanted to go back to my Shona and hold her tight in my arms.

I wanted to go back to Mom and sleep on her lap, with her fingers carressing my hairs. Ah! So soothing.

I wanted to go back to Dad and fulfill every dream that he has seen for me.

I wanted to go back to Fab 5 and relive all our happy moments.

Several jolts of current passed through me like a lightening. I felt myself jerking up. I felt my whole world calling out for me. And I tried to wake up. I tried to rise from this darkness. I cannot give up so easily.

But suddenly I felt no courage,no strength left in me. I felt myself sinking more into the darkness.

My whole body ached as if 100 knives had been pierced into it. I couldn't move even a single finger. I was dying. Dying of the pain. Dying of struggling. I tried enough. Now I had nothing left in me to try more.

Suddenly I felt a stream of light coming from a far end. It was.....soothing. So soothing. It felt as if all my pain and sufferings just vanished as the light touched me.

It fascinated me.

It lured me.

I finally got up. And this time to go towards the light.

Finally I was going towards comfort.

But why did it feel like I was going away from all my happiness? Why did it feel like I was leaving something precious behind?

It felt wierd.

It was like peace with no comfort.

It was like cure with no relief.

It was like star with no shine.

What was happening?

But still I started walking towards the light. The nearer I got, the more painless it became. The more I got healed. But it still felt restless.

I was about a few steps away from the source when I suddenly felt someone holding me from behind. As if some unknown strings were pulling me. As if something dear to me was on the verge of losing.

And then I heard it. A voice. A soothing voice.

" You love to trouble us a lot right? But can't you think of the people who will die if you give up today? Do you know what will happen to Mom? How will she survive seeing her dear son dying? How will Dad bear the sight of his pride just losing the fight of his life? How will I handle the broken Cabir you will gift me after this? Han? Tell me!", it said. And it didn't take me long to recognise it. It was Navya. She was angry at me. For leaving them behind.

And I realised. How can I leave my family behind. Shit! What will happen to Mom? She will die if I go away from her. And Dad? Who will he see dreams for now? Who will fulfil his dreams now?

My Veer. My Cabir. How will he handle everything? Will he be able to take the responsibility alone? Won't he break down? How can I leave my Big bro alone down there? No no no I can't. Navya is my best friend. I can't gift her a broken Cabir. I can't make her life miserable.

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