45: Soha's Game Over

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Ok so I am very happy with the response on the last update. So as promised, here's a looong update for you all.

Target for next chapter 360 votes and 60 comments. And I mean it. Usse pehle update nahin milega.

Inline comments are loved.



Dhruv's pov

We reach the court where Buddy's hearing is scheduled at 3. Buddy being a big celebrity and Kunal being a higher grade lawyer managed to schedule the hearing same day only. I don't know how did they get proves so soon.

Anyways, we reach there to find media surrounding the whole place making it difficult for us to move. Some NGO women have started demonstrations against Manik. What is their problem? Can't they wait for the truth to come out first? They just know how to defame someone. Huh!

I see Buddy being brought there by the police. He looks towards us and smiles. His face doesn't even have a frown. I know why.
He knows he hasn't done anything wrong. So why should he fear?
Moreover he has full faith in Nandini. Well, we all have.

We enter inside to find Soha coming with Vivek and Niharika. That other lawyer is also with them. I guess he is that Dixit about whom Kunal told us. That bastard!


Finally the judge enters and gestures for the hearing to start. Dixit being the lawyer of the victim is given the first chance and he spits out all kinds of lies.

I mean what the fuck! He says my buddy asked Soha to sleep with him to take back case on Vivek. How disgusting!

Dixit: Your Honour! I would like to call my client and the victim Ms. Soha Murthy to come to the witness box.

Judge: Granted.

That bitch walks to the witness box with a fake sad face. For God's sake anyone who sees her can tell its all fake.

Dixit: So Ms Murthy. Can you please tell us what exactly happened last night?

(Those inside brackets are Dhruv's thoughts.)

Soha: Last night I went to meet Manik to ask him to take back the case as we all know my father is innocent. (Innocent! My foot!) I mean all the chaos that Nandini was creating was just affecting my Dad's health and I couldn't see that happen. I thought Manik was manipulated by Nandini so I went there to tell him the truth and ask him to support me. (God! How can someone speak such white lies? ) When I got there and told him everything, he didn't react. Then he looked at me and smiled. I thought that he was agreeing to me, but I was wrong.
Suddenly he called someone and told something that I couldn't hear. I next few minutes before I could comprehend anything, his watchman came and locked the door from outside and went away. I became scared. ( My Buddy would never do such a thing. God! She is even shedding fake tears! Where from is she getting it? Does glisterine really produce so many tears?) The...enn h..he.. he asked me t..to sl...slee. ( For God's sake girl why are you stammering? I mean hiccuping? I mean....whatever! ) He asked me to sleep with him. He said if I sleep with him, he will help me in winning the case. And when I refused, he tried to force himself on me. Thats when I picked up the vase and hit him on his forehead and he fell unconscious.

SHE HIT HIM WITH A VASE! THIS BLOODY BITCH. MY BUDDY FELL UNCONSCIOUS! I..I WILL... calm down Dhruv. What's happening to you? Remember you are a good boy. And good boys don't swear so much or get violent. BUT IT WOULD HAVE PAINED HIM SO MUCH! Calm down calm down.

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