Dinner Dates

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****Kennedy's POV****

Walking back into the villa I don't think I've been as nervous for a long time. As we walked out into the garden the two girls were sat with all the boys, but quickly came over to greet us. The photo wasn't lying, they were both stunning girls and I knew the guys would be interested in them. I didn't want to come across as unwelcoming so I went over first to give them a hug.

"Hi I'm Lucinda." The longer haired of the two said, she was the one who was with Brad. "Nice to meet you."

"Hi I'm Kennedy."

"I'm Millie." The other said. "Nice to see you."

The boys walked straight past us as we made our way down to the beanbag area.

"Did Brad speak to you?" Liberty whispered.

"I didn't even get a look, this is what I mean." I almost wanted to cry even now. "This is shit."

"How old are you girls?" Kaz asked as we sat down and got comfy.

"I'm 24" That was Millie.

"I'm 21." Lucinda answered.

"Where are you from?"

"So I'm from Brighton."

"Essex." Millie answered which got a cheer from some of the girls.

"What do you do?"

"I own my own online boutique." Lucinda said. "I was cabin crew but then I got made redundant so here we are now."

"Can we go straight into it then?" I asked. "Give us both your top 3."

"Well I think they're all good looking." Lucinda answered.

"Just say a name." Liberty joked.

"I've just got to get to know them."

"Do you have a type?" I asked. "Tall boys?"

"Tall definitely."

"What about Liam?" Rachel said which was met with a little grunt.

"Brad?" I asked.

"Brad is fit." Lucinda said and Millie seemed to agree.

"You're definitely his type."

"I guess we'll wait and see." She said.

After that both the girls decided to go back and catch up with the boys again so I went off with Rachel inside.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as we moved into the bathroom.

"Like shit."

"Oh honey." She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my temple.

"I just don't understand why he wouldn't have spoken to me or anything. These past few days have been really nice and I thought we were getting somewhere but now he's going to want to get to know both of these girls."

"But he also knows you and he knows what you two have."

"So then he knows that I do need that bit of reassurance, I really needed him to at least give me a smile when I walked in."

"What do you think of the girls?" She asked.

"I got the feeling that Millie was a lot warmer than Lucinda, I don't know maybe I was just being picky."

"No I think you're right, we saw her with Brad so maybe she'd viewing you as like the competition."

"I don't know why, I can barely keep hold of him when there wasn't any new girls never mind when there is."

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