Reporting For Duty

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****Kennedy's POV****

Brad and I stood there in absolute silence as we both contemplated our next move, I didn't want either of us to say something rash which could completely destroy what we have.

"I want you." Sharon came over and broke us from it. "Please."

"Yeah of course." She gathered up Kaz as well and we made our way to the bar area. "Is everything alright?"

"Basically Aaron and I just had a chat and he wants to continue as friends."

"Shut up."

"Yeah he pulled me over and said he wanted to end things romantically and continue as friends because of the Hugo situation. He doesn't want a girl to handle herself the way I did when she's annoyed."

"Aaron said that?" Kaz asked.

"He was like that's a big red flag for me and I just don't think we'd work on the outside. So I said that I thought he was being very unfair, I'm not going to try and convince you to change your mind but that's very unfair."

"Do you think there's another reason behind it?" I asked.

"It's definitely got something to do with the new girls, they've come in and picked him as one of their top picks and he's like yeah."

"Are you ok?" I asked as her eyes begun to water, so I made my way round and pulled her in for a cuddle.

"It pissed me off because I've been very open. I'm angry because it's a cop out." I almost don't know what to say because I was not expecting that conversation at all."

"Do you want a hug?" Kaz asked.

"I just don't want people to think I'm crying because it's not like me. I'm a good person."

"You're such a good person." We both agreed with her.

"I love you so much." I told her. "You don't need a boy like that in your life, those girls can have him."

Liberty called us over shortly after that to the swing where she was getting the debrief from the girls on the date.

"What was Brad like then?" Kaz asked Lucinda.

"I feel like we both settled into the date as it went along, I should have maybe put him as the main course. He was giving me compliments and yeah..."

"Like what?" Chloe asked.

"He talked about my eyes, about my hair. He was really nice and complementary."

I noticed as she said that she wouldn't make eye contact with me and seemed really leased with herself. As she talked about the other dates I could tell she didn't feel the same about Hugo or Aaron and therefore the one she mentioned earlier had to be Brad, which just made the whole situation even more shit."

"I'm gonna start getting changed." I told the girls and made my way upstairs. I quickly found an old hoodie on the side and threw that on the side before having one of the longest showers of my life. I couldn't believe I'd let myself be so stupid and fall for a guy I hardly knew who wouldn't even tell me how he really feels.

"Are you alright?" I heard Kaz whisper as I stepped out to where she was brushing her teeth.

"I just need a long night's sleep."

"I'm here if you need anything babe, wake me up if needs be."

"Thank you." I gave her a quick hug before going down into the bedroom area where Brad was already in bed with Millie and Lucinda stood at the bottom of the bed.

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