Movie Night

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****Kennedy's POV****

"Right, where do we start?" I whispered to the girls. 

"Looking at Hugo I think he's had a lot of opportunities in this place whereas the two others maybe haven't had that time." Faye said. 

"But then he's had people's backs in here so it's hard for me to go against him in that respect." Chloe argued. 

"I'd be devastated to see Sam go." I said. "I just feel like he's got so much potential and he hasn't had an opportunity at all."

"He's such a sweet lad."

"But then we've got Tyler, he's the only one of them boys really now who has that potential romantic connection in here,"

"It's such a shame to see any of them go to be honest but I think we've got our decision." Millie said. 

The boys also finished their deliberations and my eyes were just rooted to the floor, full of guilt for the boys. "The boys would like to save this girl because she is a bubbly character around the villa, it was a really hard decision as you're all amazing girls but ultimately we just want everyone to be happy in here. So the girl the boys have decided to save is Mary."

"The girls would like to save this boy because even though his journey may not have been as straightforward as other we believe he is on the way to finding happiness." Faye said. "He has been part of many highs in this villa and a few lows and the villa wouldn't be the same without him. We also have a girl who deserve that happiness as well and to be able to find love. So the boy the girls would like to save is Tyler."

That meant Sam, Hugo, Amy and Clarisse's times in the villa were cut short. I could barely hold back the tears as I gave Hugo a hug after saying a quick goodbye to the girls. 

"I'll miss you so much." I whispered. "I'm sorry we couldn't save you."

"It's honestly fine, I really do wish you and Brad all the best though."

"Thank you."

When I looked over at Sam though I couldn't help the tears that were escaping. 

"I'm so sorry." I managed to get out as he pulled me into a tight hug. "You deserve so much more than you've got in here, you're a true true gentleman."

"You're such an amazing girl never forget that and the offer still stands, if he messes you about again come and find me."

"I'll hold you to that."

I was closest to Sam out of all the Casa Amor boys and I just feel so guilty for potentially messing him around when I picked Brad. It's never nice to see anyone go without really being given a chance and I don't feel like he's had that.

To be honest the girls didn't seem too bothered about being sent home, especially Clarisse who couldn't wait to be out of there. 

"I just wish I hadn't given Tyler any of my energy to be honest, that man's a liar." She said as we helped her pack her case. "I could have been home ten days ago"

"At least you've met us, I'm sure we can set you up with a few guys back home."

"As long as they're not 6 foot men names Tyler I'm game."

"You're too good for that man." 

"Oh I know that"


Once we made our way back inside I found Brad with a few of the boys crowded around him by the firepit, which confused me as it looked like they were all trying to comfort him. Looking around at all the girls I could tell none of that had a clue what was going on either so I made my way over and a few of their heads turned. 

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