Bonus Chapter: Aftersun

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****Third Person****

Tonight's guests on the show were Raye, Babatunde and Roman Kemp. In the opening stages as usual they talked through the main points of interest from that week, including Liberty and Jake, Kaz and Tyler before moving on to Faye and Teddy. 

"It's hard to forget it but lets watch back that night." Laura introduced the section and played a clip of the fight, including Kennedy's involvement in it. "Roman how do you think Faye handled the situation?"

"I think it's so difficult, everyone at some point has been in this situation where they just want to explode."

"They just haven't been filmed doing it."

"Yeah. There's a lot we don't know in this whole scenario, I think Teddy handled himself well, he gave her the time and space to think about it and from her side I think this was coming from a place of insecurity. At the end when she said she wants to carry this on, on her own, she doesn't.."

"It's Love Island."

"She doesn't, she wants him to keep coming back to her."

"Raye, what do you think? It does seem like there are genuine feelings there for Teddy and he seems to want to stick around and be patient with it?"

"I don't know why." Babatunde admitted. 

"I wish they'd have shown that conversation with Millie and Ken, expressing their doubts. I feel like at the moment he's getting all the wrong vibes from this when she hasn't exactly been an angel in there even before the post card."

"I think the thing with Casa Amor is like usually these are situations which you would usually have some control over so to know he could be doing anything right now must be tough on those girls." Roman explained. 

"All I'm saying is it's not that deep to be sexually attracted to people, I'm attracted to people and I'm married." Babatunde added. "Sorry wife if you're watching."

"I guess another person who got caught up in this was Kennedy, Raye was she right to step in at that moment?"

"I think she was, she went in with the best intentions and she didn't deserve that backlash. I'd want my friends to step in like that if it was me."

"Out of all the girls in there I think I'd want her as my best friend the most." Roman admitted. 

"Well we saw her and Faye have that conversation tonight and again they couldn't seem to agree, do you think this is the end of their friendship Babatunde?"

"It's never nice to say but I almost hope it is, I don't think their personalities match and you can tell Kennedy felt embarrassed when Faye made those comments."

"That's our panel everyone..."


There was then the segment with the dumped islanders and Clarisse and Sam were the first to be interviewed, still in isolation. Clarisse explained her shock about the Teddy conversation causing this much drama and still being angry with Tyler before it was Sam's turn. 

"Sam, when you first arrived in the villa the girls were quite closed off, was that difficult with you boys all wanting to get to know them?"

"Yeah it was a rough couple of days and then the postcard came and I think all the lads were happy for that to come though, not just me, so it was all worth while."

"Talking about Faye, you did seem to have fun those last couple of days, did you go in there with your eye on her?"

"Yeah I definitely had my eye on her, I would say she was in my top three and it helped when she liked me back, we just had fun together."

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