Island Beach Club

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****Kennedy's POV****

The next morning there was a pretty tense atmosphere in the air as Teddy walked through the bedroom, stopping to give Brad a handshake and kiss my forehead as we led in bed. I could see the girls were all going up to the terrace but I stayed put, which all the boys noticed.

"Are you not joining them?" Liam asked.

"She's not spoke to me yet and I don't want to make the atmosphere tense for all the girls. I'll stay in bed whilst you all go out."

"Don't be silly, come with us." Toby said. "We don't talk about disgusting things, it's definitely not worse than what you girls probably speak about."

"Very true."

I quickly fixed my hair in their mirror before finding them all around the kitchen making the girls their drinks. Brad also gave me mine so I could be the first one to join Teddy on the bean bags.

"Did you sleep alright?" I knew there wouldn't be enough bean bags so I perched on the end of his, stabilised by his arm around my shoulder.

"Could have been better, I feel really bad right now, you should be up their with the girls and you're not because you stood up for me."

"Stop that, I'm not up there because she reacted wrongly, not you. I just don't want the agg this early in the morning and if that means hanging with you boys then that's good enough for me."

The boys joined us and I could hear they were talking about Liberty.

"The thing with Lib is like it was hard seeing her upset and it was even worse because it was something that I said." Jake explained. "She asked me like 'do you still not think I'm attractive' and I was just like 'Lib, you're my girlfriend, of course I do'. So I think we've swept that under the carpet now and hopefully we can move forward."

"Coming from a girl's side like of course personality is important but you want someone to have that attraction to you as well. I think if any girl heard that they'd feel a bit unsteady but you've just got to reassure her that isn't the case."


"How are you feeling Ted?" Liam asked.

"Our relationship, whatever we had or have, is just a plane waiting to go down in her eyes, she's just waiting for it to crash."

"That was just shown last night, it was such a minor problem and she's used that as evidence to sack it off." Dale said.

"I don't think she's ready for the relationship so like you all said it was just an out for her."

"Ted last night obviously wasn't nice to watch, she spoke to you like you were this big last night in front of everyone." Jake said. "Just be like speak to me, like an adult. I'm like Faye but I think I can control it in them situations, but I'll speak to her today, me and you were like two lost puppies in there, speaking to her Teddy on that day bed."

"You don't deserve that." Tyler confirmed. "Speaking of that, Ken. Are you going to speak to her?"

"I think it's up to her to be honest, she's the one who's got the problem. I think it hurts more because out of all the girls I was probably closest to her and she's been there a lot for me so to turn on me like that, it was just a shock."

"A friend should never do that, you was only trying to help in that situation and make her see the whole thing from a different light." Tyler said.

"I stand by what I did so it's just whether she sees what she did wrong or not. Her main point of apologies should be with Teddy so even if she did say something to me I would just push her his way."

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