Stick or Twist P2

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****Kennedy's POV****

"Liberty, please stand up. You were coupled up with Jake before he left for Casa Amor, not only that but you were boyfriend and girlfriend. How are you feeling right now?"

"I do trust him but I am nervous, seeing what's happened t's just the unknown and I'm hoping for the best."

"Do you think Jake's time away at Casa Amor could have changed you guys?"

"He hasn't given me a reason not to trust him so far and what we had was so strong so I'm just hoping we can get through this by him coming back alone. Fingers crossed."

"Well Liberty, the choice is yours, would you like to stick with your boyfriend Jake or recouple with one of these boys?"

"The boys are lovely but I'm going to stick with Jake and be true to myself." That was no surprise. 

I was honestly so relieved for her when he came around that corner alone. The elation in Liberty's face was plain for everyone to see and she could barely control herself before launching at him. 

"Kaz, it's your turn. Please stand up. How are you?"

"I'm alright, I've had quite a journey."

"Well you were coupled up with Tyler. How's that going?"

"I was really enjoying my time with him, I genuinely saw something developing but then we had that lovely post card which told me everything I needed to know. It made me realise that I don't need to hold back because he clearly doesn't respect me the same way that I respect him."

"Do you feel you've changed since he was gone?"

"Oh 100%" That girl had definitely changed for the better. 

"Well the choice is yours, do you want to stick with Tyler or recouple with one of these boys?"

"So I spent the first couple of days crying because I was blindsided by the fact I saw Tyler kissing another girl, which wasn't nice to see. I opened up to someone else, he opened up to me and I'm excited to see where this could go, with us both being open and honest with each other. So I'd like to couple up with Mathew."

"Matthew how does it feel?" Laura asked as he came and took a seat. 

"I'm really excited to start this journey."

"Go on lad!" Jack shouted. 

"Kaz as you chose to recouple if Tyler does come back alone he will remain in the villa, single, but if he chooses to recouple you will all remain in the villa as one happy family."

Just then Tyler walked round the corner with a beauty on his arm. Even though I think he's done Kaz dirty a bit I won't lie about that but when she turned the corner I realised this was the girl in the photo. The girl in the bed. With Brad. "Welcome back Tyler and welcome Clarisse. How are you?"

"I'm just really glad to be here with Tyler."

"Tyler as you can see Kaz has recoupled with Matthew, how do you feel about that?"

"I'm happy for her, glad she found someone."

"Kaz is there anything you'd like to say?"

"I don't really know what to say to be honest, I feel like he wasn't honest with me from the beginning, he came in and we talked about the outside world but then it took him one day to get in bed with someone else. Out with the old and in with the new."

"I went to Casa, we were having a lads holiday." So that's what they're calling this? "I found a spark with Clarisse and I wanted to explore that further."

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