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****Kennedy's POV****

"Where have you been?" I asked Rachel that night long after the football had finished. "I saw you and Teddy going upstairs earlier."

"We just had a nice little chat."

"How are you feeling about him?"

"He was very upfront and honest with me which I like, he said he would be honest if he thought his head could be turned but right now he doesn't see it. I don't know at the moment I'm just enjoying being around him, he makes me feel quite secure and he's really affectionate as well."

"That's what every girl wants."

"Exactly and then we had a little kiss which was quite nice to round it all off."

"As long as you're comfortable and happy with everything that's been said then it's nice to see you becoming more confident around him."

"He does make me feel really good about myself, I think what he's just got to prove right now is that it's not a one level thing."

"You never know what's going to happen in this place though, they could send in someone tomorrow who is like your dream guy or his dream girl."

"Exactly so I'm just going to take it one day at a time and not let it get too deep too early."

"I've got a text." Millie shouted, a text at night always puts people on edge just because it usually means there's going to be drama. "Are you ready?"

"Go on."

"Liam and Millie as the winners of today's challenge you get to spend the night in the hideaway #letsgetiton #turnuptheheat."

At that all the girls cheered, I was kind of sad that we didn't try harder in the challenge tonight. I feel like we could have done with a bit of alone time.

"Right what are you wearing?" I asked her.

"I feel like a bit of lingerie." Millie said. "I need to look cute, that's the look I'm going for."

"I saw this set the other day which I think will really suit you."

She went and got changed into a very flirty purple set, which I knew Liam would just have to love.

"The body on you girl" I said. "You're making me get hot under the collar."

"Thanks girlies."

We gave her a quick squirt of perfume before she went to meet Liam downstairs, where he was stood in just his boxers.

"I hope they have a good night." I whispered to Brad as we laid in bed once they'd gone into the hideaway. "But then I kind of wish we'd won the challenge now, I want to have a go."

"I bet it's sick in there."

"I mean I'd like it just so there's only one guy snoring down my ear, not five of you snoring down my ear all night."

"That's the only reason you'd want to go is it?"

"I mean maybe have a bath on my own..." I teased. "I'd tuck you into bed and give you a nice bedtime story."

"Stop it." He groaned and pulled me over to his side of the bed. "All jokes aside though I can't wait to go in there with you as well, as we experienced last night it's quite hard to do anything with these lot all listening out for any movements."

Just as we said that there was a massive laughing fit coming from Teddy and Rachel. "What's going on over there?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

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