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****Kennedy's POV****

I had tears streaming down my face as they walked off to discuss what was going to happen and who would be going. For sure they weren't the least compatible couple in here but they were both new so I guess the public might not be on their side yet.

"Come on." I heard Brad say as he kissed my temple. "We can't do anything to stop this now. They might even go together."

"They were so new together, they can't go together surely."

We sat in silence watching them across the villa in an intense conversation before they stood up and gave each other what looked like almost a departing hug.

"So we've made our decision and Teddy will be staying, I'll be going." Rachel announced.


"Don't get upset." She said and pulled me into a hug. "Come on, it's only for a few more weeks and then I'll see you on the outside."

"You deserved so much better in here, you and Teddy were only just getting to know each other."

"I know but I've had more opportunities than he has in here so it's only fair he stays. I'm not angry at him, I offered to go and I'll make sure he stays. Please keep reminding him that once I'm gone."

"I will."

Rachel went to hug everyone else and then I went over to Teddy where he was sat around the firepit.

"Are we alright?" He asked as I sat down on his lap, cuddled into him. "I know she's one of your best friends in here."

"We're good, I know there isn't much you could have done about this. Honestly I get it, you and Rachel hardly knew each other."

"I wish it could have been different. It feels wrong for me to have the opportunity at the expense of her."

"She wanted you to stay and there's no point in you both going, please stay at least for a few more days and see how this works out. You never know what could be around the corner."

"I guess."

I planted a kiss on the top of his head before going inside with the rest of the girls to help her pack.

"So where does this leave you and Teddy then?" Millie asked. "Is this like completely over?"

"I really don't expect him to have any loyalty to me in here but then if he's not found anyone else we can go on a date on the outside world and try something out. There's no pressure."

"This could be really good for you." Liberty said. "He's now going to be comparing girls to you and you never know he might realise you had a deeper connection than he first thought."

"I just want him to enjoy himself, there's no point in him being miserable in here and me going home."

"We'll cheer him up." I said as we made our way downstairs and she said her final goodbyes to everyone. "I'm really going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too but have an amazing time and I really hope you and Brad work out."

"Thank you."


I made sure to keep Teddy company for most of the night before Brad whisked me off to the terrace area as we were just about to get ready for bed. Chloe and Toby had been involved in quite a lot of the drama tonight, with him being concerned about their place in the bottom three, which personally I took Chloe's side on because it was probably more to do with Kaz then it was about them as a couple.

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