The Reunion

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****Kennedy's POV****

Teddy was only able to stay in London for a few days but in that time we spent all our time together, I took him to meet my parents again and his parents came down to come and meet me. They were honestly the nicest people ever and by the end of them staying with me, Sidney and Carlos were like my brothers as well. I tried to fit as much into our schedule as possible but there was nothing we could do about being separated and it was only just over a week before we were back together for the reunion. It's crazy to think how much I missed him in that short period of time but you just get so used to them being around 24/7 that it is a shock on the outside world.

"Knock knock." Teddy and I were getting changed in our designated dressing room when I heard someone at the door and turned to find Chloe and Toby there. "Can we come in?"

 "Can we come in?"

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"Of course." There was only one sofa so I sat on Teddy's knee and Chloe did the same with Toby. "How have you guys been?"

"Really good, just been chilling out really, we've spent some time with each other's family and yeah it's been nice."

"You both look so happy." I commented, noticing the smiles on their faces. "The outsides world's not broken you then?"

"We've loved it, as much as we loved waking up to you every morning, it's been nice just to have our own space again."

"What about you two?" Toby asked. "Any developments?"

"We spent some time together for the first few days and then yeah he cam back down yesterday and we kind of went on our first date so I'd say things are going pretty well."

"Pretty well indeed."

The producers came and got us settled in our chairs all facing towards a sofa where we would each in turn be questioned by Laura. But first a video was shown of us all flying home and then one for the reunion of each couple. A clip was shown which was filmed yesterday when Teddy and I were on FaceTime together.

"I miss you." I looked a state on the film as I said that, it was early in the morning and I was in my kitchen making a tea.

"I miss you too." He replied, "Are you going to make me a brew?"

"What and transport it all the way to Manchester, it'll be cold by the time you get it."

"Or just open the front door maybe." I almost did a double take as he said that and saw a smirk on his face. "Go on."

"If you're teasing me now." I almost sprinted to the door and found Teddy stood on the other side of it, bags in tow but all I could do was jump into his arms as he let them fall to the ground and held me up, our lips connecting. "I can't believe you're here."

"I couldn't stay away any longer, happy to see me?"

"Very happy."

He then organised a date for us and said the camera men could come along for our reunion film. He drove for what felt like ages but was probably only a few hours as he stopped at beach that I knew instantly.

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