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****Kennedy's POV****

2 years later...

On the eve of our two year anniversary Teddy flew us out to Mallorca to celebrate for a relaxing weekend away. A lot's happened in the past two years, Teddy moved down to London to come and live with me, he's fortunate enough to have been able to quit his job and take up some modelling opportunities all around the country. I've finished as a personal trainer and I now appear on TV, trying to inspire people to get fit and I work with an eating disorder charity to spread their message as an ambassador. But our love is as strong as ever, it didn't take us long to admit we loved each other and it just ended up coming out naturally when we were in bed together, it wasn't a big moment but it didn't need to be. Teddy was still friends with lots of the guys from the villa and as a couple we we're still very close to Toby and Chloe, sadly the girls did have a few internet spats and I'm only now close with Chloe and Millie.

"Happy Anniversary baby." I never get tired of waking up to his voice in my ear as I woke up the next morning in our penthouse suite.

"Happy Anniversary." I turned over to be able to look him in the eye. "How are you not sick of me yet?"

"I mean I have thought about it a few times," It's a good thing I could tell he was joking with his sarcastic tone. "Joking, why would I get sick of being happy?"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, what are we doing today?"

"I've organised a spa day for us and then tonight I need you to get all dressed up and I'm going to take you somewhere."

"Are you not going to tell me where?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Do you remember our first holiday together?" Our first holiday was back in the autumn after we met, we both only had the weekend free and flew out to Italy, the whether wasn't that great but we just enjoyed our time together. "I think that's one of my favourite memories we have together."

"You mean both of us passing out drunk together on the first night after that wine making session."

"In our defence it was a strong wine."

"Then basically just spending the whole day eating pizza and ice cream, I mean what more could we have wished for." He joked. "No, I liked it as well. It felt like at that point we'd just got out of the honeymoon period, before I moved down and we hardly had any time together. That weekend kind of put us back on track."

"And the rest is history. It's weird to think if we didn't sign up for Love Island all those years ago we probably wouldn't have met and now look at us."

"Who signed you up?"

"Liv and Ella." My two best friends. "They thought it would just be a good holiday for me and didn't even consider the fact that I might actually find love in there."

"Sidney and Carlos did it for me, I was contemplating it but then they really pushed me for it."

"Who would have thought it..."

"I know."

We had an amazing day together, relaxing in the summer sun with massages, a jacuzzi and facial treatments before getting ready together. I hadn't really packed anything formal but when I got out of the shower I found a dress bag led on the bed waiting for me. I carefully opened it up to find a stunning white dress, which I co-ordinated with a natural make up look and slipped on a pair of white heels.

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