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****Kennedy's POV****

I could see all eyes were on me, trying to work out what had happened between Brad and I, as the boys all went to crowd around him. Even being in the presence of those boys made me feel physically sick, those boys all went on a lads holiday thinking their actions would be kept secret at the expense of our feelings.

"Baby." Millie curled up in my arms once we'd got away from everyone else and were alone on the terrace. "How can it all go so wrong for us?"

"I think I called her hurricane Lillie before."

"How did the chat with Brad go?"

"I'm so fucking angry right now, at him and myself, I've been blindsided by a guy and I swore to myself I wouldn't let that happen. Then I got all emotional in the chat and ended up saying some things I probably shouldn't have said."

"Like what?"

"I made a comment about him sleeping on his own unless he could lure one of the other girls to share with him."

"Babe, he deserves that."

"I know but then I just feel like I'm giving him a rise when I should just be calm and composed, I don't know, I don't know who to believe or if he's telling the truth anymore."

"I'm the same, he said this has made his feeling for me grow but then I know he could be downplaying everything that went on in there."

"Do you think you can move past this?"

"I really don't know, at the moment there's not a lot I can do right now because I only know his side of the story but I'll see how he behaves these next few days and hopefully I'll be able to make a decision. What about you?"

"I really don't know how I can move past this with him, it's like I'll always have this in the back of my mind. In my head I think I could have made it past him just sleeping in a bed with the two girls but for him to have all that with his ex just makes me see him in a completely different light."

"I actually can't believe that, like to kiss anyone is dangerous but then to kiss an ex is just completely off the chart."

"If he needed to kiss her to see what we have together then I'm sorry but he can remove us from the situation, because we clearly didn't have anything special if that was the case."

We heard some noise from inside so we made our way into the changing room to ger changed into our night gear, which was when I found the hoodie he gave me sat on the top of my pile.

"That's going back." I whispered and got into my own joggers and hoodie. "Anyone want a hoodie before I give it him back?"

"Chuck it in the firepit babe, I would." As you can probably guess that was Faye.

"I think we all know I'm too nice for that, even though I really would like to." I quickly grabbed all my things and made my way downstairs where beds had appeared all over the place and Brad was carefully positioned on the end of one in the main bedroom. "Here's your things."

"You could have kept them."

"Yeah I don't think that's going to happen."

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep outside?"

"Absolutely positive, night everyone."

I wasn't expecting anyone to be out there but there was Liam getting the closest daybed all ready.

"Looks like it's you and me." He muttered as I silently made my way over to the other one.

"Difference is I think one of us deserves it."

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