Stick or Twist P1

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****Kennedy's POV****

I got to know Harry a bit more after that, I would say the attraction is still there but nothing's really jumping out at me. By the end I was glad when Sam came over to get him and I went over to sit with Faye round the firepit.

"Girl I need an update!" I screamed over to Kaz as I noticed her coming away from the corner, leaving Matthew. "Come over here."

"I'm coming" Abi and the other girls followed her over.

"He was so cute, he was like 'lets do a toast' and he was like lets toast to new memories. But to be honest I was so distracted by his eyes I can't even remember." I could tell she was definitely liking this guy. "So then we went to cheers and like put our glasses together and he just pulled me in for a kiss. I was like 'do you not want a drink' and he was like 'no."

"I love that, he sounds like a man."

"I bet your mingle was on fire." Faye cheekily added. "How long was the kiss?"

"It was a nice length, lengthy enough. It was a good kiss."

"Did you go round the washing machine?"

"I tumbled."

"Are you on a 30 degree delicate wash?"

"I would say more like 60." Chloe joked. "Hot and steamy."

"I think you're right there, so it was a good kiss. We spoke about sharing a bed tonight, I'm excited."

Some of the girls went to go and get changed leaving Kaz, Liberty, Millie and I outside.

"Girl I saw you chatting with Harry, how was that?" Millie asked.

"He's a really nice lad, like I can't fault him but I don't know. My head isn't in it and I really like Brad man and I know I'm going to get fucked over and I can't do anything about it."

"Listen we don't know anything about the night, it could have just been an innocent tangle in the night."

"My trust just isn't there though so then I want to go and speak to the other lads and I feel like I'm forcing it and I don't want it to come across that way."

"But that's not being you, you're forcing it too much. As much as I hate to think about it, if he walked in with a girl on his arm at least you know you've done all you can do." Liberty gave me the pep talk I needed. "But that's not going to happen babe, I'm absolutely sure all those boys are probably sick of how much he misses you and how he's just been moping around."

"I really hope you're right."

****Brad's POV****

That evening there were some interesting developments, Liam had finally given into the temptation and kissed Lillie.

"How do you feel after that kiss?" Jake asked him after rudely interrupting their moment and dragging the guy upstairs. "Like truly how do you feel about it? Do you feel guilty?"

"Is it head vs heart?" Hugo added.


"Head's telling me it was fine kissing her, it was just a kiss. Heart's telling me you know, you do have something there for Millie."

"But your head just thought just do it three times with Lillie."

"I had to be sure!"

We noticed Tyler and Toby on the seats in the garden so Liam and I made our way down there.

"I was chatting to Clarisse for ages on the day bed, so I just wanted to stick it on her there and then and before she'd even finished her sentence I made the move. I just gave her the reassurance about where my head was at and about the situation with Kaz."

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