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****Kennedy's POV****

Once Matt had left the mood was a bit downcast but that changed when Tyler decided now would be a great time to become exclusive with Kaz. He set up this lovely romantic treasure hunt for her, finishing on the terrace where he asked her privately. Kaz was so happy bless her when she came running out and immediately almost got tackled by the girls, except from Liberty who was waiting to speak to her alone.

"I'm so happy for them." I told Teddy as we led on the day bed together. "But it's just another one of them moments where I feel like I'm a million miles behind everyone else in here."

"Just because you're not at that stage yet isn't a bad thing, if anything you'll be at a better point because you've not settled, you've done what you thought was right."

"I guess, did you like my speech then?"

"You know I did," The smile on his face matched his words as he pulled me into his side. "I meant what I said as well, I couldn't think of a better person to be coupled up with."

"So you're not angry Faye picked Brad?"

"No way, I didn't really know they were that close but it works for me if I get you instead."

"I was shocked as well, I thought I was just going to be with Brad again but then she said that and out of all the boys in here if I had to spend the most time with anyone it would be you."

"Does that mean we can cuddle again tonight?"

"If you want to. I mean friends can cuddle..."

"I mean it didn't feel like there was anything wrong with it this morning."

"We can have a cuddle then, as long as you make me breakfast tomorrow, with an iced coffee."

"Anything for you."

Teddy left to go and speak to one of the other boys and I noticed Liberty was looking a bit confused so I beckoned her over.

"What's going on?"

"I was so happy like to have that moment just me and her earlier, I was so happy for her. I was just going off genuine emotion and wanting to go up and hug her but then Jake said we should have the moment alone." She explained. "But this wasn't an us moment, it was a them moment."

"Yeah so then like everyone you just want to be involved in the celebrations."

"Yeah like it's not about our friendship, which just makes me think like what's genuine and what's not genuine. I'm a smart girl and I'm a good judge of character and I do think what me and Jake have is real."


"It's just the whole think felt a bit staged, a bit icky. The person I fell for was Jake from Weston-Super-Mare, the water engineer, because what I have with him is real. Or at least I think it is anyway"

"I get that like he thought that was the best way to do it but in no way does he have control over your reactions to your friends. If you wanted to celebrate as a group then it feels wrong to go against that."

"I don't know, I'm just so confused, maybe I'll speak to him later about it but I don't want to like set him off before we go to sleep."

"But then you'll just be worried all night about it, I think you should speak to him and then if he doesn't like it, at least you've been honest about how you're feeling."


The hideaway was open tonight and everyone agreed that Tyler and Kas should get it tonight. We moved inside and the bedroom seemed quite hot that evening so I chose a little bralette with my shorts. I did feel a little exposed though walking downstairs so I covered up with my pink robe and walked through to the bedroom.

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