03 chapter

211 11 5

Austin POV.

I was sitting on my couch Peacefully and comfortably eyes closed deep in thought when I heard a noise.

"Austin your dad wants to see you,"  my mom said (Allison Hunt).

Sigh disbelief I moved my gaze and turned to see my mom "not again am not in the mood ."
"Ohh come on Austin you know you're dad, don't test his resentment." She warns me.

I get up from the couch and headed to his office room without bothering I let myself in I saw him sitting on a comfortable chair flipping through papers that I'm not interested in.

"First you need to learn manners how to knock on the door before entering someone's privacy". Without looking at me he gave me a manner speech. 

I scoffed "dad you just scanning papers and by the way, you called me otherwise I'm not interested in sickening your privacy".

"Seat" dad gave me an order which I obey without argument because I can't take his death gaze anymore, You know manners shit and I don't want to hear his manner lecture so it's better to listen to him like a deaf man.

"So how's your vacation" he questioned and I'm looking at him dumbfounded because I know Jason hunt is not interested in my vacation chit-chat.

"It was great I am planning for Hawaii vacation- " dad stops me right there showing his right hand up that he's not interested and his eyes telling me the whole story that Jason hunt going to blast boom on me.

"I'm happy that you enjoyed your vacation and spend my money like water. But I have good news for you from tomorrow you gonna work with your brother" He announced.

"Excuse me I just completed my graduation I need a break."

Again my dad interpret me as "just' really it's almost 8 months how much time you needed." Oh my lord, his sarcasm is another leave of prick.

I knew he going to lecture me.

"Look  Austin you wasted so much time and my money now it's time to show your worth to me."

I stare at him with disbelief "My worth seriously I'm your son now you want me to prove myself OH COME ON DAD" throw my hands in the air.

Dad again started an argument "Austin see your brother he is so smart, intelligent, responsible man."

My inner voice wants to correct my father's words he is Whoreman, scumbag, dickhead too. But he is the perfect man in our family and that shit hurt me a lot.

"So you comparing me with kai" huff
"I'm not comparing you or kai I'm just explaining you should follow your big brother's steps so you can run our business and build our empire."

I can't plead with this old man I know at the end of the day he's going to win so just drop the weapon. That's the main reason im not ready to come home. I'm not like them to work my ass off and don't know how to live and enjoy life but who am I to argue I know from the start that I had to join our business.

It's not like I don't like the business I do but I want to enjoy my little left time because I know if I entered into this shit there ain't going back. I have to work day and night like a paranoid robot. They never gave me the option of what I desired, when I started to feel like I can start my tour agency because in those 8 months I discover my passion and my liking for tours I know it's not a big master business or great plan for my future but that's what I want.

My dad never gonna support me if I go against his will and do my own business. Plus im not like Kai people pleaser or something maybe he's a good son or a great businessman but I know kai never loves me as he used to, but both of us have different minds set but I have a disgusting past with my brother which we trying to heal but sometimes I want to go back and change everything but couldn't One mistake of mine made me distant from my brother and that guilt is eating me from inside.

After that incident, we lose our brotherhood bond and he just sees me as a burden or competitor that's why I want to start my own business so he can live his life and let me be in peace but suddenly from nowhere my dad calls me and shattered my dreams by one call.

"Okay I get it I'm ready"

Dad give me big smile and I just nodded and leave the office without saying another word.

Headed to my room and closed the door behind me sitting on the edge of the bed thinking about what next because I knew tomorrow morning is not for me it was for Jason's hunts son day. My rough time going to start and no one gonna save me because I have to face my brother and a real bitter life.

Hope you like this chapter
Finally, they going to meet and the next chapter is all about sebrina and Austin no more family introduction.
And I will update daily or twice so
Stay healthy and happy
Lovely readers.

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Till then Adiós mi Amor <3

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