13 Chapter

110 9 1

Author P.O.V

Sebrina completed her work and she is ready to leave and collect her stuff then austin call her she picked up a call "yes sir" she politely said, "You done?" He asked "yes" she reply fast "so should I drop you home or again are you going to reject the ride" she huffed his stubbornness "thanks for your decent ride but sorry I have other plans".

He breathes heavily, why does he so sound pissed "again date with ander?" She rolls her eyes "why are you interested in ander, you want to date him" sebrina replies bitterly.

"I'm just curious" she again interrupts him "you curious I think you are obsessed with him" austin huff "shut up I'm not gay".

she teases him further " it's okay austin I didn't want clarification it's your life" then she hummed "that's why I never saw you with girls".

Then he corrects her "you already saw me with Valeria and I know you enjoyed my hot making-out show" sebrina bites her bottom lips in disbelief. "Thanks for your concern but I can manage" she hung up the phone.

Sebrina straight went to the elevator and wait but austin take a step slowly and stand behind her he lean closer and whispered to her "red suits you" she turn her gaze to see him. Then she rolls her eyes "I know" both enter the elevator she tries to ignore him then she got the message notification.

Baby hulk: I have a surprise for you.

Sebrina's expression drove confusion and austin noticed her expression. He asked, "something happened?" Austin sounds concerned. She shook her head the elevator stopped and both headed out she went from the main gate and austin ran to the parking spot hoping that she will come with him.

Austin start his car and straight went to the main gate but his expression changed. He saw a guy who ran to sebrina and hug her tightly. Austin gripped tight on the steering wheels.

He looks familiar but still can't figure out who is he. The guy looks taller than sebrina wearing casual clothes. Sebrina smiled widely and that guy put his right hand on her shoulder and drag her with him. Austin huffed and ravishingly drive.

Sebrina P.O.V

I saw my brother waiting for me our eyes met and he ran toward me hugs me tightly. "So you're my surprise," I said then Polo breaks the hug and puts his right hand on her shoulder. "First find the place where we can talk peacefully and eat something delicious because am bored with your food" my eyes get widened "seriously, people adore my food." He nodded and sebrina take him to some fancy restaurant.

The restaurant looks amazing polo admiring the place and the waiter shows us the table we are both seated and order food. "So tell me what's the surprise" polo smiled showing his teeth "you won't believe what happened" I'm confused then he said, "I got a scholarship from England" he jumped in excitement. My face gets blank I blink a few times "wow but you never informed me about your scholarship things" I feel aggrieved because he didn't even bother to tell me.

Polo clears his throat " hey I didn't hide anything from you it just happened so fast and honestly, I have no idea that I will be able to get a scholarship." Still feel sad but I'm happy for my baby bro.

"You look upset" he questions.

"I'm happy for you but you going to London and" I took a long breath to control my tears "You know I can't stay away from you" he grabs my hand and caused me to look at him. I know he can see my moist eyes "seb I'm not leaving you and I have 6 months for deciding if you don't want me to go I won't" he gives the promising look.

I'm not selfish I can't hold him forever with me. I clear my throat "Polo I always support you and I'm not holding you just because I'm afraid of not seeing you daily, I'm just too emotional right now but you have to take this opportunity." He nodded and smile bright. I adore my brother he is so cute when he smiles.

The waiter comes with food and served us we both started digging our food. "Hey did you remember my birthday coming and I'm going to be 18 and soon I'm going to graduate" He smirked at me I know he was going to say that "So I want a big celebration" I shook my head "I never see a person likes you" he began "Seb you promise me that I can ask whatever I want in my 18 birthday and you have to organize a party." I give him a thumbs up and we both eat peacefully.

After paying bills we both decided to walk. We both talked about his further plans then someone called me.

"Sebrina!!! Sebrina waits" polo and I turn gaze to see who's calling me.

It was ander my body started tense because I'm with polo and one thing I know is if he dares to say any flirting things to me polo will smash his face.

He runs our way and stops, breathing heavily "You okay" I asked why he running like this.

He shook his head "I saw both of you but I don't want to disturb you guy but I can't help it." Then polo beat him "then why bother to come here" polo raise his voice and narrow his eyes.

Ander looks at me "Umm actually nadia throwing a party she got a promotion and invite us to the club so I'm just curious are you coming?" He gives me optimistic eyes.

Polo again gives him a cold answer "So you run just because of this?" Polo raised his eyebrows. Ander clears his throat "No I mean yes but today I didn't see her and it's been so long I haven't seen you so I thought to come and say hey to you"

"Look ander I'm clearing one thing stay away from seb. She forgives you and accepts you as a friend but I am not seb so you better stay within your boundaries." He nodded "And about your running greeting 'hey' now, please excuse us." I never saw polo so angry and aggressive.

Ander again stops us "If you guys need a ride I can drop you home 'why people are so obsessed to give me a ride' I huffed but polo give him a cold reply "No, God blessed us with two legs so we can walk and it's good for health" Polo give him a fake smile.

Ander nodded and shook his hand with polo and he was about to hug me but polo pull me towards him and put his hands on my shoulder "Good night ander" he said and drag me with him.

Polo take a fast step and I started to laugh at his overprotective behavior. He gives me a confused glance "what" he asked. I shook my head "Nothing you look cute when you're protective mood on" I laughed loudly.

"You should Thank, me I saved your ass" I glance at him "Ooh absolutely" we both reached home. Then I got a message from nadia.

Nadia: Girl im so excited about Friday night and please tell me you coming if you're not I will drag your body with me.

Sebrina: okay mom <3

I'm so happy for nadia she is my only friend who cares about me and polo but today I saw my brother's second version. Damn, he was so angry and pissed but I knew he love me but what will happen if he found the truth does he still me or hate me, what if he leave me as everyone did? No, I won't let that happen. I won't tell him the truth I can't lose my brother my only family.

Hope you like this chapter,
Please comment and vote, it motivates me.

Till then Adios mi amor<3.

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