45 Chapter

66 6 2

Polo P.O.V

I reached home before seb because today football practices terminated and I don't have much to do so I went home.

I took a long cold shower and was ready to play my games but I couldn't find my laptop and I know where to find it. I hate her she always borrows my stuffed and never returns so I headed to her room.

I search everywhere but I don't know where she throws my expensive laptop. I turn to leave then I saw dairy I know it was Mom's but why did seb have her journal?

I went to her bed and grabbed her book and started to read her book and honestly the more I read the more I fall for my mom and dad. I love them and her all dairy written about us. She loves us so much and it hurt me a lot.

When I turned to the next page and read my whole body felt numb my heart stopped for a minute. "No no this can't be true" I murmured.

She is my mom she can't do this to me. I read the book again and again but her word stabbed me like a sharp knife. My tears won't stop my breath got heavy I feel a pang in my chest.

I heard the door unlocked and I know seb arrived. Her footstep get loud and she opens the door and saw me.

She runs to me and grabs my hands "Polo what happened" I didn't reply to her "Polo please say something you making me worried" I take a long breath and saw her worried face her eyes are moist looks look awful scared.

"Did you know that I'm, not your real brother?" I asked her but her body shifted and her eyes widened. She grabbed my hand and squeeze "Look polo it doesn't matter" I stop her.

"So you know the whole truth and you didn't tell me" I control my sob but my tears won't stop. She tries to come closer to me but I stop her.

"Polo I don't want to hurt you" she tries to convince me "But you did" she grab my wrist and I snatch my hand "Please let me explain" I push aside her body and leave her but again she grabs my elbow and turns me "Polo you know me, I did what was right I don't want you to feel alone or burden" I snatch my hand.

I don't want to say anything to her because I'm not in the right situation and I can't hurt her maybe she's right but right now everything seems wrong. "Seb leave me" I went out but she follow me behind "What do you mean to leave you" I stop her again "Look seb please leave me alone I don't want to talk to you or hurt you, please" I begged and went to my room and bang the door loudly.

I started to throw my stuff and shattered so many things I just want to take out my anger. My room looks so messed but I don't care. I saw our family photos and it fumes my blood I yank the frame and shattered on the ground. "This is the whole fucking lie" I screamed "My whole life was a lie" my tears continue to shred "My existing was a lie" I throw my books and destroy everything.

I lose my balance and stumbled to the ground my breath get heavier. The only thing running through my mind was my mom thinks I'm a threat to her family. She never wants me in the first place and dad she cheated on him multiple times. I hate her she destroy my life she left me no place to live.

Serbian P.O.V

I heard so many noises from the polo room and I know he throwing stuff but I'm worried about him. I don't want him to hurt himself. All I hear is his screaming and cursing, I want to be there and console him but he needs time. I know he must be feeling miserable and betrayed but I will wait for the right time and tell him the truth.

I went to my room and try to sleep but can't sleep today because so many things happen to me. Austin betrayed me and show me his real face, polo find out the truth. I don't know what worse going to happen.

I can't lose my only family. Polo is my everything and I can't afford to lose him. If he leaves me I don't know if I'll be alive but I know polo loves me and he will understand me.


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