43 Chapter

74 7 1

Austin P.O.V

I woke up and saw sebrina snuggling me her eyes are closed her face glowing I remove some hair from her face. I lightly pinched her chubby cheeks her morning face look more stunning and pretty I can stay here forever and stare at her but I can't I have to leave before polo awakes.

I try to get up but she tightened her grip and dug her head into my neck "Don't go" she mumbled and I know she was still in deep sleep. I kissed her forehead and get up and grabbed a pillow and put it on her side she hugged the pillow and I love to see her.

I wear my shirt and get up from bed and cover her whole body with a blanket and kiss her cheeks last time and leave her room without making any noise I leave her house and went my apartment.

When I enter the house again I feel alone because I get used to being with her. I went to my room to get ready for the office I know I have time to get some rest but I had some business to finish so headed to the bathroom and took a cold shower and was ready for the office.

I leave my apartment and drive to the office. I reached my building and park my car and went to my office but I get a text notification and I immediately open I thought it was sebrina but it was Valeria and my all-good mood was ruined by her.

Valeria: I know you are still mad at me but I want to talk to you and im on my way to see you.

What worse can get this situation I know she is still obsessed with me but I can't let her in and I don't want sebrina to think I'm still with her.

I went to a meeting room to discuss our new project and my all attention on this project because if I complete this project so maybe my dad proud of me and give me some space to breathe in peace because I just want to prove them wrong that's it.

Meeting went too long and I know sebrina arrived so I went to her cabin to see her I just want her in my arms so I led her way but Kai call me, I received his call "Austin come to my office" he give me to order "Excuse me I'm not your servant" he scoffed "Austin can you please come to see me" he corrects himself "okay" I get more frustrated because everyone tries to piss me.

I led kai's office and without knocking I enter and seat in front of him. I saw his mad face and he was pissed off at my reckless behavior he was about to say something but I stop him "If you want to give me a lecture about my manner then stop I won't change" I give a cold glance and I don't want to waste my time here, especially with him.

He huffed and take a long breath "So how's your project going" he give me a normal face and I know something vicious running in his mind. "I visit some sites and I think this deal is beneficial for us" he hummed and started to text but I ignore his attitude and give him further details about our new project and he gives some instructions to change our some trick so we can complete our project without any problems.

We both finish our discussion and I'm about to leave but he grabs my attention again "I heard that you dating you're assistant" my body feels tense how did he know "Mind you're own business," I get up but he again interrupts me "So it's true" I scoffed "Why you so interest in my life" he narrows his gaze.

"I'm just curious you serious or just casual" I don't want to give him any satisfaction "No we're not dating" I dismiss the chat "But why does she seem to be a nice girl and you using her what kind of person you are" he gives a disgusting look.

"What kind of person I am and what about you huh you used my girlfriend and never dare to tell me" he scoffed "I didn't know that she's your girlfriend and I try to know but you both seem to hang out as friends and you both never claimed to be in a relationship."

"So you blaming me now" I shouted at him he look more pissed "When I know she using us I sent you our photo as proof" he clarifies and my eyes got wide "So you sent me" he just nodded and I feel more betrayed.

"Look we both know Valeria used us but why are you ruining sebrina she's innocent" my blood boiled when he drag sebrina "Why do you care if I used her did you have any feelings for her" want to know why he always mentions her. Why is he always concerned about her I know he's not the kind of person who feels for anyone he's just greedy ass and just wants to satisfy his ego.

"I don't have anything for her yet" I give him a nasty look "So don't interfere in my life it's my choice who I want in my life" he scoffed and mumbled something "Stop behaving like a child and don't worry I already warn her to stay away from you and by the way does she know what kind of freak you are, does she know that you ruin someone's life and the person is none another then your big brother huh" my body set on fire.

"What!! Did you tell her?" my body felt numb.

"Do you think I'm like you, I will never go this low, if I wanted to take revenge I already take it but I try to move on but you always play the victim card, you always try to show me that I'm the villain but in reality, we both know who is the villain" He spat bitterly.

"Stop it, we both know it was an accident, I didn't do it intentionally, and don't put your all sin on my shoulder we both did sin together so you are not the sane person" I gave him a reality check.

" Oh really Austin so tell me you have the guts to tell your Sebrina what you did to your brother, what sin you commit in past". My fist got tightened.

"So you try to manipulate her how dare you" I bark loudly but he smirks at me "I know you can't handle real shit you will use her and leave that's why I warn her you just want someone to give you sympathy and love that you don't deserve" I went to his side grab his collar and punched him so hard on his face. He loses his balance and falls to the ground "Feel lucky because I don't want to create a scene and because of you she leaves me you will be dead".

I left his office and went to my office and loudly closed the door. I started to lose my sense. how dare he manipulate her against me and why didn't she tell me that she met him.

I heard footsteps and turn to see who but my mood ruin more to see who stand in front of me "Why are you here" I give her a cold tone.

"I want to visit my old friend is it a crime to see you" I huffed at her disgusting seductiveness "Cut the crap and tell me why you're here" she Crosses her arms and gives me a toothy smile "You leave me because I date two people at the same time and that's fair but why you dating your assistant who still obsessed with his ex" she confusing me.

"I said cut the crap and if you have nothing important the door is behind you" I give a harsh tone. She pulls out her phone and shows me some pictures "Look how cute they look together I know she can't get over him so easily" I saw sebrina and ander hugging together and my whole world crashed I saw the next photo ander holding her face and kissing her forehead her hand on his waist.

My blood boils when I saw this picture "Oh, by the way, this is the latest picture I don't do photoshop" she give me a wide smile and I smashed her phone on the ground she take a step back in horror but again she barks "If you want to see live telecast they still hugging each other outside the building" she smirks evilly. "Austin as I said, you just using material I used for fun and she using you for money or maybe to get over her ex who knows" she spat bitterly.

"Get out" I give her a death glance "Yeah I'm leaving and I hope you see her real face and your real place," she said sarcastically and leave my office.

Now I'm impatiently waiting for her to come to me and give me an explanation. She visits kai and now she hugging her ex what about me who am I to her? How can she forget about us so easily am I that easy to replace?

I just want to know the truth.

I just want her.


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