09 Chapter

124 10 3

Austin P.O.V

I saw her step out of an elevator and ander follow her behind. They talk a little more and she enters my office, "Sir, do you need anything," she asked me politely.

Takes a step closer to her but maintains proper distance.

"You never tell that you have some fans here." She narrows her honey eyes "excuse me".

"Yeah, I saw your little fancy drama outside my office." She looked more pissed.

"I'm glad that you like my fancy drama" her tone changed." Who said I like it".

"Ms.Flores, I don't like my employee roaming around in the building like there hanging in the garden so do somewhere else," I said in bitter

"It won't happen again." With that, she left my office and headed to her cabin I can see she was not pleased with my behavior.

Then I got a notification.

Valeria: don't forget that we have a date tonight. My love <3

Austin: yeah. I'll be there on time.

How can I forget her she is the only good thing in my life we only dating nothing serious but I like her a lot. She's a smart beautiful sexy and intelligent girl.

The time moves so quickly I haven't noticed Sebrina knock and enter some files.

"Sir, I need your signature on these files." I took the files and place them on the desk.

"You did your work so you may leave it's almost 6 o'clock." Her eyes get wide I think she lost time track. She nodded and started to walk.

"Wait if you need a ride I can drop you home," I asked genuinely because she did lots of work and it was her only first day. So she deserves a ride.

She looked confused but then she declined my ride "thanks for your concern but I can take care of it." With that, she left my office and went to her cabin to collect her stuff.

I place some files in a drawer and grabbed my coat and went to the elevator. I wait for her to show up and she came but her attention was on her phone. We both enter the elevator and stay silent none of us bother to start a conversation I was about to say something but then the elevator opens she started to walk.

I went to the parking lot and she took the same route but in the morning I saw her in the cab but my all doubts vanished when I saw ander waiting for her. He has a big smile plaster on his face he was about to hug her but she took two steps back. Then ander's gaze landed on me.

"Mr. Hunt good evening" ander greets me and gave me light smile I nodded and Sebrina turns to see me but I ignored them and headed to my car not interested in their drama so it was better to leave.

Ander is my senior in college but I didn't know that he's working in my dad's company but who cares, after all, I'm his boss now so he better stay within his boundaries.

Sebrina P.O.V

"Where are we going?" I started to doubt him.

"Loosen up I just want to talk in private so we are going to quite a restaurant so we can end our doubts".

We reach some fancy restaurant it was quite nice. He parked his car and we both get out of the car and went to a restaurant. I was looking everywhere but not at him.

We reached our table it was a nice and comfortable territory. He pulls a chair for me and I settle then he took a seat beside me. He continues staring at me.

Always You ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ