37 Chapter

88 8 1

Sebrina P.O.V

After our hot sex sessions, we both fall asleep. Austin wrapped his hands around my body and I love his warmth.

I left his house earlier in the morning I don't want him to wake up that's why I left without informing him. I reached home took a long shower and was ready for the office.

I arrived office before Austin and started my work. Then ms. Williamson knocked at my door and enter "Morning" she gave me a toothy smile and I replied politely "Morning" she come to my desk and place some files "Sebrina, please give this file to Mr. kai it's important and inform him about the board meeting" she command, I just shook my head and she smiled and left my cabin.

I collect files and headed to kai's office and knocked on the door and let myself enter "Sir" he glance up at me and "Yes" I walk to his desk and place the file "Ms. Williamson sent this file and said, it's important and she tells me to reminds you about the board meeting" I sound professional.

He hummed and scan the file "Ms. Flores, please take a seat" his gaze fixed on the file. I take a seat and breath "So you and Austin are together?" My gaze widens when he questions my relationship with his brother.

"Sir it's unprofessional to discuss my personal life here" I give him straight answers "Look sebrina I know Valeria use me and my bro but my intention was not to hurt my brother I didn't know that they're together" he explained to me.

"If you feel guilty, please talk to your brother" he hummed "He's ignoring me" and stared at me "Sebrina you're a nice girl, and I know austin he's not the kind of guy you deserve" why everyone lectures me, I know austin he never shows emotion but I know deep down, he feels for me.

Kai scoffed "Please stay away he will break your heart and I know my brother he never Does a relationship and I can prove to you that you're not a special one for him" his words shattered my heart. I shook my head and leave his office.

I urge of crying but deep down my heart trusts austin. His eyes hold so many emotions for me and I know he will never hurt me. Everyone judges him by his past but I know he changed and I trust him. I don't care what people think about him or about us I will never leave his sights.

I headed to my cabin but my body froze when I saw Valeria seating relaxed in my chair. She gives me a nasty look "So how's your life going after ruined my life" I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Excuse me but I never use two people at the same time" I spat bitterly and this time im not gonna take anyone's shit. She stood and comes my way "Just wait I'll show you how I used people and toss them to their right place" she spat nastily and leave.

I was stunned by her attitude she was blaming me because they caught her red-handed. I huffed and again start my work but someone knocked on my cabin and my eyes sparkled to see him and a wide smile touched my face "I hope you have a valid reason to leave me cold and alone" he enter and takes a seat.

"This is the first time you knocked and second thing is that before I left I covered your whole body with a blanket so that you don't feel cold" he beat me "But I feel alone" I bite my lips his words so soft "Austin I had to come before time so I can do my work on time and can you please permit me half-day" I give innocent gaze but he narrow eyes "Why you want a half-day" he question.

"Samuel wants to meet me and we have some plans" I'm so excited to meet him because he going to introduce me to his girlfriend and I want to invite them to a polo party.

"No" he gives me a cold answer "But why, please austin I did my work" I pouted "You're asking me to permit you half day so you can enjoy your day with some dude," he said bitterly and his fist got tight.

I shook my head "What, no, it's just a friendly meeting and he wants to introduce me to his girlfriend and I want to invite them to a polo party that's it" I gave him an explanation.

Austin humm "Okay but inform me where you going and text me when you reached" I clapped my hands in excitement "So you permit me" I wanted to be sure he nodded and my face lit up.

He went to his office and he was busy with some files. After some time I did my work so I went to his office to inform him about my leaving but he was not in his office so text him and exit the office.

My mind was stuck at one point. why everyone wants me to leave Austin? He's not a bad person and people always see your flaws and everyone misunderstood him but I know he has a soft heart but I just need time to tell him about my feelings.

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