06 Chapter

144 10 5

Sebrina P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning so won't be late for my first day. I took long fresh showers to refresh my mind and headed to my closet grabbed my dress and did some light makeup and let my hair down because am too lazy for doing hairstyles.

(  if you don't like it you can imagine yours

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( if you don't like it you can imagine yours.)

Went downstairs straight up to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for us. Polo within minutes follows me into the kitchen greets me and grabs his plate and went to the living room he settled himself on the couch and started eating I followed him.

"You ready?" Polo asked. I narrow my eyebrow in confusion."Yeah but why?".

"Because we're going together and please don't argue with me and for your kind information we both have the same route so it benefits me."

"How" I questioned.

"Simple logic first you gonna drop me then you can go to your office so it's obvious that you will pay for a cab" he winks at me.

"Such a brat" I mumbled polo laugh lightly "if you are done with your breakfast and nonsense chat so we can leave" polo nodded and hooked his arms with me and started dragging me with him.

"Wait let me grab my purse and keys." After that, we headed out. I drop him to his school and on my way to hell I mean my new hell.

Now I'm standing in front of the building. Take a long breath and start walking inside the building. Walking straight to the elevator and Waiting for the elevator I stepped in. I didn't notice who was standing behind or beside me, I was so deep in my thoughts.

Then Someone stand behind me very close and softly whispered into my ears "Welcome to the hell seb" I froze at my spot and turned my gaze to see the person it was austin standing behind me with a big smirk on his face.

Sighs heavily roll my eyes I know I should behave like a professional but he already starts annoying me.

I took a long breath and plastered a big smile on my face and turn my gaze to see him "good morning to you too".

Elevator opened I take a quick step toward ms. Williamson office.

I saw her name on the entrance knock and let myself in. I saw her she was staring at the computer she must be in her 30s something but still, she looks young. she seems to be in deep thought so I scoffed to grab her attention.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you" she quickly apologized." I shook my head and give her a soft smile."No, it's totally fine you must be occupied with a bunch of work." She nodded in disbelief.

"I forget to introduce myself I'm Emma Williamson. And you?" She again gives me an apologetic look.

"I'm sebrina Flores austin hunts new assistant."
"Oh yeah sorry I was busy with my schedule Mr. Kai told me to give you further details" I nodded.

"Come I'll show you're office." She stands up and starts walking and I follow her like a lost puppy. We reached the marvelous office with a big window, walls have light shades, and then she pointed to the next cabin it was attached to the office which means austin gonna spy on me all the time.

She gives me some details and files too I was not expecting that but then she left and I enter my cabin it was so cute. Not a big ass window or too luxurious but my cabin window gives me a nice view and a comfortable chair I settled myself reading all the list I have to accomplish today and staring at my computer and start doing my work.

"The view is so beautiful." I turned up my gaze and see austin standing at the door staring at me like am some kind of meat.

I shook my head and stare at him back "you need to learn how to knock on the door before letting your big ass in".

He steps in and stands in front of my table and leans towards me and rests his hand on the table and leans closer to me.

"First Change your behavior Ms. Flores and second I don't need to learn anything from you because I'm your boss" he scoffed and lean more closer "you work for me and my company pays you for work, not for your bullshit." With that, he left my cabin.

"He's right my hell start now."

I know this chapter is boring but I promise the next chapter is unique and spicier.

Please comment your thoughts

Till then Adios mi amor <3

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