07 Chapter

137 10 3

Sebrina P.O.V

I answer calls (In my office) with that he hung up.

I huffed in annoying "this is the third he called me for nothing to just bring him coffee what does he think who am I a coffee machine." I took a step ahead to his office I know he can see my annoying expression.

"Yes sir you called me." I keep my expression straight.

"Are you busy?" austin asked very politely. 'Yes, I am you blindass' my inner voice wants to scream at him.

"No sir, but I have to modify some meetings and set up some chronicles."

He nodded I know something going on in his mind.

"I appreciate your work" I'm surprised by his words 'You mean it?'

Then he spat his venom words at me
"But we pay for you that nevertheless, you have to collect some files from financial department and address to the manager about our project."

I already have tons of work and he added more I sigh heavily. I nodded in agreement because I don't have any more options to surrender him.

"Sir, it's almost lunchtime you need anything?" My inner self screaming 'please say no please please please' I started praying to god.

He announced "No you may leave" I sigh in huge relief 'Thank you.'

I went to my cabin and grabbed my coat and walk out to the building. I know one thing for sure if I stay in the building for more than a minute he will again call me, so it's better to eat somewhere else.

So I crossed the road and went to the small but elegant restaurant. I went so many times here. Nice atmosphere, soft music in the background, and restaurants seem to be quite not full like weekends.

I sat down at my usual place to see the outside view, people walking around but the most beautiful thing is the clouds and bright weather.

Then the waiter comes I gave him my order salad and juice because I need to eat some healthy food.

The order comes within 5min and I started digging my food and enjoying the sky view. Then someone takes a seat in front of me and I froze in my spot my fork slipped through my hand and drop on the table and make a light noise.


He smirks "I'm glad you still remember my name." I turn my gaze somewhere else not wanting to see his face that I adore the most, I can't see his ocean eyes that made me feel drowned, his smile makes me jump in his arms I can't I just can't.

"When I saw you in the morning I thought I must be dreaming but when Emma informed me that austin hunt's new assistant is you I just can't help it to meet you."

I just nodded my head still not looking at him playing with my food pretend to be busy.

"Seb we need to talk" I glance up at him. "No, we don't". I stand and am ready to leave and head to the counter and pay. I left the restaurant not bothering to see if he was still following me or not but one large hand wrapped around my wrist caused me to turn my body.

"Ander what are you doing" I looked at him with anger. "Please don't create a scene here."

"I swear I won't but please hear me out for once." He gave me puppy eyes. Shit again. I can't resist his gaze so I nodded.

"But not now, I'm already behind my schedule, I have tons of work." I excused myself.

"Okay, no problem we can talk after work if that suits you." I can sense he desperately wanted to talk.

I can't resist him he always finds his way to convince me."Okay"

"So let's walk together because I'm also behind the schedule and we have the same destination." I chuckled to see his childish behavior.

We reached the building no one of us says a word we step into the elevator he press 20 & 22 I assume he work on the 22 floors."How did you know my floor" I asked him with dumbfounded experience.

He laughs lightly "I think you forget I work here so I perceived every floor." Now I look more stupid and dumb I curse myself thousand times.

I step out and he follows me I looked at him with confusion.

"I'm not stalking you I just want to drop you safely."

"I'm not going for war." He laughs, again and again, my stupid heart adores him.

"I stop because I want to see before we start to go back to our work." I nodded

I start walking then suddenly he called my name "seb" I turned my gaze to see him.

"After work calls me, I will wait for you at the parking spot". He completed his word "okay" I agree.

He nodded and step into the elevator and give me one last big smile.

I breathe out I didn't realize that I was holding my breath.
I enter his office and see he was busy with the computer typing rapidly.

"Sir, do you need anything," I asked him politely. Because I don't want him to bother me while I'm working.

He stands up and takes a step toward me and strut in front of me there is some decent space between us.

"You never tell that you have some fans here." I narrow my eyes "excuse me"

"Yeah, I saw your little fancy drama outside my office." I want to rip his head off how dare he question me.

"I'm glad that you like my fancy drama" He raises his eyebrow." Who said I like it".

"Ms.Flores, I don't like my employee roaming around in the building like there hanging in the garden so do somewhere else." I can feel the bitterness in his eyes. But why?.

I can't argue further so it's better to calm down the situation.

"It won't happen again." and I left him and step inside my cabin.

I snatched a seat and closed my eyes.
How I'm going to survive here? I can't handle two madmen at the same time.

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Till then Adios mi amor. <3

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