30 Chapter

88 7 1

Author P.O.V

Sebrina sleeping peacefully and austin caging her naked body with his arm. Austin lightly nibbles her earlobe and whispered "Baby wake up you going to be late" she just nodded her head and turn her body and scooped her head in Austin's crookneck her hands went to his waist and tangled her leg.

Austin laughed at her innocent behavior and kiss her forehead wrap his arms around and pull her closer. "What's the time," she murmured in a sleepy tone. "6 in the morning" he softly mumbled.

Sebrina's eyes got widened "SHIT polo kill me I have to go back before he awakens" she try to get up but austin tightened his grip on her "Polo called you so many times but you are in deep sleep so I informed him that you are with me" she huffed and raised her eyebrows "He didn't say anything to you?"

Austin smirks "Don't forget I'm his favorite person" and winks at her.

She rolls her eyes "I will drop you home before he awakens" she just nodded and shift her body more to feel his warmness "Where are my clothes" she still sounds lazy "In the living room but don't bother about it I have something for you."

Sebrina gets up and covers her naked body with a soft sheet and stares at him in confusion. Austin gets up and headed to his wardrobe, checking him out from his back. He's wearing his sweatpants but no t-shirt and it gives her breathtaking sight of his broad shoulders her face gets red when she noticed her nails scratched and bits on his back neck. Austin turn and went to her side gives her a bag she takes out the material it was a sky blue sundress the dress is so pretty but then she gives him a death glance "I will not wear your ex-girlfriend's dress."

Austin stares at her " This is yours I bought it for you" she bites her lips "Oh umm nice choice by the way" he smiles when she appreciates his choice. "When did you buy it, and why you haven't given me" he gets on the bed place his head on her lap, grabs her back neck closer to his face, and kisses her soft lips "That day when you were busy ignoring me" his husky voice mumbled on her lips.

Sebrina replied in humm. She remembers that day when they met in a restaurant and she will never forget that day what happened between them. She scoffed "Now get up, your head is heavier than rock" she make fun of him and push his head. He gets up and pulled her body close and destroys the distance.

Her back touched his chest she throw her head on his shoulder to see his side look. She admired his side face he look so sexier and handsome. His messy hair and morning face hit differently. Sebrina kisses his jawbone and bites lightly.

Austin wrapped his hand around her neck and pull her face closer to his face. Both stared at each other "Dare to tease me and you won't be able to walk alone without my help" she smirks at his threat.

Austin again gives her a warning "Ms. Flores you have only 20min to get ready otherwise I will join you" she narrows her eyes and smiles "You look hot when you threat me" he smirks his hand went to her waist and grip her waist tightly "I look hotter when I hovered you and ruin you" he captures her lips and bites her bottom lips.

"Okay now stop you already waste my 5min" she pushed him and cover her body with a sheet and grabbed the dress bag and run to his bathroom.

The bathroom is so big and luxurious that her eyes got wide to see the bathtub but it look like a mini pool she wastes no time taking a hot bath and after a while, she gets ready and sees austin is not in the bedroom she went to the living room and saw him doing some work on his laptop.

Austin turn and saw sebrina standing. He admires her and is proud of his choice because she looks so beautiful but he has no time to compliment her because she is in rush "You ready?" He asked she just nodded. Austin is also ready both leave the house and go to the elevator Austin puts his hands on her shoulder to pull her close to his body. Both headed to the parking lot, Austin open the door for sebrina and went to his side, and start the car.

The ride is quiet because sebrina taking a nap. It didn't take long to reach her house. Austin stop the car and saw her sleeping figure his eyes went to his mark he smirk to see his art.

Austin shuddered her shoulder lightly her eyes half-open "We're not in the racing competition" she huffed in disbelief because she was way too comfortable in his car and sebrina was irritated by his car speed, she want to sleep more.

Austin chuckle at her "Well you're the one who wants to reach before your brother is awake" she just nodded and rub her face with her palm she unlocked the seatbelt "Thanks for the fast ride" she said sarcastically.

"You're not going to invite me" Austin gives naive eyes, she narrows her eyes "I know if I say no you will do the opposite so why do you bother to ask," she gives him a boring look " Yeah, You're right so let's go."

They both reached the apartment and unfortunately, She forget her keys so she have to wake up polo. The doorbell rang two times and polo open the door he glances at her "So you finally remember that you're not homeless" he pushes his body aside so they can enter the house.

They are all headed to the living room polo staring at her suspiciously "What's on your neck" her eyes got widened and she cover her mark with her hands. "Nothing Austin please wait for me I'll be quick" she run to her room and closed the door behind her and pant heavily.

Then she realises she left Austin with polo now she started more worried. She knew polo is very protective towards her. She started to get ready for the office so she can rescue Austin.

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Till then adios mi amor <3.

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