48 Chapter

87 7 3

Austin P.O.V

I try to distract myself with work I started to work more so I  won't think about her but how can I not, she's the only person who sees me worse, and best. She knows me more than I know myself. She has the power to control my emotions whenever I'm with her I feel so happy and blessed. When I was with her I can't stay mad at her because she always finds a way to vanish my anger.

It is almost three days since she betrayed me. She didn't even call me after that and didn't try to talk to me. I was hoping she will come to me and explain to me but she didn't and she didn't even show up at the office.

I started to worry about her but I control myself because if she doesn't care about me why would I?

Knock on the door and my heartbeat runs faster maybe she came I shift my body and see but it was ander my mood was ruined to see him.

He takes a step closer to my desk and gives me the files "Mr. Hunt this is the final design of the hotel and all details" I nodded and saw all documents but he gives me a harsh look "Okay" I give him a cold tone. 

He was about to leave but I stop him "So how's she" I asked and he give me a confused look "it's been three days since she hasn't come to the office and I know she tells you everything" I give a taunt.

Ander narrows his eyes "No we're not in touch. last time I saw her crying after that I haven't met her" he spat bitterly and I feel a pang in my chest she cried but he again barked "If you using her then why do you say that you both are dating" he gives he hatred look.

I get up from my seat "I never said I used her" I give him a death glance but he laughs sarcastically "Oh really so why did you tell your brother that you using her. She tell me everything" and I get it why she reacts like that "Did you know she heard everything and nonstop crying she trusted you more than me she said she believes in you but what did you do to her" he yelled at me and I feel so ashamed because I blame her for nothing.

"Why did you kiss her and touch her" I want to rip off his hand because of the way he touched her I just want to kill him. "I was trying to console her and nothing but you don't deserve her" he spat venomously and he leaves my office.

I stumbled in my chair and thought about what I ruin. So she didn't use me she just said in outrage and I didn't try to understand her and I compared her with Valeria "FUCK" I scream and throw the file in the air. I pick up my phone and call her but she's not answering my calls.

I should go to her house, I grab my coat and car keys and leave the building  I went to the parking lot lead to my car and start the car I drive fast because I just want to see her and explain my stupidity. I can't lose her she is my delight and I want her in my life.

I reached her house and park my car and run to her main door and knocked hardly after a while polo open the door I didn't give him time to talk to me. I pushed him and enter their home "Baby please come out we need to talk" I screamed I don't know what I'm doing but I need to see her badly.

"She's not here," polo said and turn my body and see polo he look so devastated his eyes bloodshot "Where is she," I asked him but his head hung low. I take a step closer to him and grabbed his shoulder "What happened where is she, is she okay " he shook his head he started to sob.

My heartbeat run rapidly why he was crying, if something happened to her I will never forgive myself she hurt her because of me.

"She leaves" he sobbed loudly "She takes her all stuffed and leaves me" my heart stops.

"What do you mean" he sniffed I patted his back his condition is not good but why did she leave him?

I led him to the live room and we both seat. He stares at me with moist eyes "It's all my fault I shouldn't say to her to leave" he sobbed again "I crossed my limits I said so many things that I didn't mean It, she try to hold me but I pushed her away" he kicked the coffee table.

" Polo please calm down" he shook his head "How can I, because of me she leave the house" he cried out.

"What happened between you two tell me from the start" he shook his head and take a long breath. He tell me his whole story and my body felt numb I never imagined that she facing so many things and she suffering that much now I hate myself more.

"When did you find out she's gone," I asked him.

"two days ago" my body feels tense she missing so long.

"WHAT So why didn't you call me" I yelled at him.

"When I find out that she missing I call Nadia but she didn't have any clue about hers so I thought she must be with you but you came and now I feel more scared because I don't know where is my sister" my breath gets heavier. No one knows where is she I need to find her she can't leave me.

"Call Nadia and ask her all her friend's numbers" he nodded and call Nadia. She sent him a few contacts and we both started to call her friends.

We both keep calling her friends then I call Samuel he picks up "hello" he sounds normal "Hey Samuel it's austin do you remember" he hummed "Yeah, but how did get my number" he asked but I cut him "Nadia gave me but did you know where is sebrina" he scoffed "Yeah she's with me but_" I cut him "Okay give me your address I'm coming" he stops me.

"Hey dude listen first, yeah she's with me but she left my house last night" my heart stops "Why did you let her go" I yelled at him "Where is she now" I demand, "Why are you taking your anger out on me she left my house because she had a flight last night she left this city and I don't know where is she right now" my body felt numb she left the city she's gone I drop my phone.

Polo shook my body "Hey what happened where is she" he shrieked "She left the city last night" polo's eyes got widen "What" he screamed and stumbled onto the sofa he throw his head back and rub his face.

Suddenly Polo seats straight and gives me optimistic eyes "I think I know where is" his eyes sparkled and his word give me hope.

"You want to join me," he asked "I just want her, and I will go wherever she is" he smile at me.

"Okay, go pack your bags we going to get her" I nodded and run to my car. Polo gives me hope and I will do anything to get her back. I will get her back and apologize for my stupidity "I'm coming baby" I mumbled and start my car.


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