26 Chapter

84 9 1

Austin P.O.V

The horrible scenario repeats in my mind. I straight went to the kitchen and grabbed some alcohol so I can calm myself I didn't eat since the morning and I'm consuming alcohol I know it will affect my health but right now I don't care I just don't want to feel anything.

I moved to the living room and saddle on my comfy couch. Sebrina ruining me for sure, I know she's not my type and she believes in committee relationships and my story is the full opposite. She loved her family and friends, even her ex-boyfriend and me I just don't like people around me they disgust me.

My father used me for his good reputation. My brother always snatches my happiness or whatever I admire because when I had my enjoyable days my dad and brother called me for handling their company like they can't handle it without me.

My mother loves me but after kai she always wants me to be a kai copy which I'm not. I want to discover my life with happiness but they can't see me happy. My head felt so heavy my eyes started to close and I don't know when I fall asleep on the couch.

Next day.....

I wake up so late it's almost afternoon I see my phone it's 1:00 p.m. There is no use in to going the office at this time so it is better to inform them.

I unlock my phone and see there is 5 missed call from sebrina and the messages, Smile touched my face.

Sebrina: hey where are you?
Sebrina: you okay, are you sick?
Sebrina: you're not coming office?
Sebrina: Please call me when you saw my text.

I texted her back.

Austin: I just woke up and I won't be able to come.

She replied faster than I thought

Sebrina: why? Something happened.
Austin: nothing serious just not feeling well.

Sebrina: did you eat something or take any medicine?

I started confused about why she suddenly cared about me but I love she was concerned for me.

Austin: No but I will take later don't worry about me and please focus on your work.

Sebrina: Okay take care.

I get up from the couch and head to my bedroom grab my t-shirt and sweatpants and go to the bathrooms after a long shower I order some food and medicine because my headache getting terrible and It felt like I have a little fever.

The doorbell rang and I headed to see who was coming. I open the door and see it's Valeria I huffed in disbelief because I thought it was food.

"Hey handsome" she winked at me "why you here?" I question her. She narrows her eyes "You don't want me here" she pouted ''I didn't mean though" I take a long breath "You said you have important work to do"
She pushes my shoulder and enters my apartment. now she irritated me "yeah I do but I want to see your new apartment and you too" she went to the living room and seat on the couch.

"Vale if you don't have any important work can you please leave I want to spend some time alone," I asked her gentle tone because seriously want to stay alone.

She huffed and crosses her arms "So you kicking me out" I shook my head "No I'm not I just need some space" she still seating on my couch.

Then my phone vibrates in my pants and I got a picture from an unknown number. It was kai and Valeria my eyes get widen I see another pic, of Kai and Valeria, somewhere on the beach kissing each other.

I smash my phone on the floor Valeria jumps in horror "What happened" her voice gets soft. I give her a death glance "You asking me what happens?" I huffed loudly "care to explain why the fuck you kissing my brother" I yelled at her she take a step back in horror "No I didn't kiss anyone why would I kiss kai" she turns her personality within the second.

"Valerie told me the truth otherwise I will ask kai and beat that aashole" her eyes got wide "Please austin don't ruin anything please I'm begging you" she started to shiver "What fuck is wrong with you vale you used me and my brother too" I roared.

Valeria sobbed and sniffle "Look austin nothing serious between us so please drop this topic and end here" I scoffed and throw my hand in the air how can she even say that "He's my brother for god sack how cheap you are" she interrupted me.

"Oh please, austin doesn't pretend that you saint we both just using each other and I know you had something with your assistant" how dare she drag I was so angry, grabbed her shoulder roughly "Say one more word about her, and I will show you your right place" I can't control my anger because she dragging her into her mess.

She flinched her body and take a step back "Oh Austin you know your nothing without your family and you knew that you always be optional for me and your family" I was so stunned by her words she changed her personality within seconds and I'm just an option for her. "Even your assistant agrees with me that's why she didn't tell you" my whole body was set on fire "stop dragging her" my fist got tightened if she dare to say anything more I don't know what will happen.

"I knew she will never tell you the truth" my breathing gets heavier "Your dear assistant saw us but didn't tell you why, because she knows that your nothing just using material and I know she was totally into Kai" her words stabbed me like a knife.

Valeria takes step towards me "I bet austin she will ruin you and after that, she will land on kai's lap then you see her real face" I can't see her face anymore.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE" I don't want to see her disgusted face how dare she blames her.

She left my apartment and I lay on my couch and grabbed my smashed phone. Luckily phone still working and I text her.

Sebrina: Please come to my house I need to talk to you
My address is xxxxx.

Now I'm waiting for her to tell me the truth, I know she's innocent but I want to ensure.

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Till then adios mi amor <3.

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