27 Chapter

86 9 1

Author P.O.V

Sebrina gets anxious when she saw the text from austin her body felt tense. She knows that he's not feeling well when what comes up he calls her to his house does his condition is worse? she getting more worry about him.

Sebrina has done work and went to the address he sends to her. She reached to luxury building and headed to the elevator and pressed the 8th floor and she went out and led to austin apartment. She feels nervous she rang the doorbell two three-time and after some while the door opened.

Austin opened the door and met with her honey eyes both of them staring at each other then sebrina scoffed "You want me to see what's wrong?" Austin pushes his body and gives her access to enter his apartment.

Sebrina enter and saw the beautiful apartment the walls are bright and the place is so open and felt so comfortable her eyes roaming everywhere then austin scoffed "Umm I will give you a house tour later but first come with me" he said in a straight voice she just nodded and follow him behind.

Austin led her to the living room and ordered her to the seat she did as he said and sebrina sensed that something is very fishy. Now she started to panic but austin settled by her side and he was about to say something but she beat him "So how's your health did you eat something and take medicine?" She genuinely asked austin to stare at her for a while "Not yet but I will take it later."

Sebrina's eyes get wide "So you telling me that you haven't eaten it yet" she got up from her seat "Seriously, austin how careless you are" he was surprised by her concerns "Seb I will eat later first I need to talk to you it's very important" she suss him "Health is more important than your talk" she drags him "Show me where is the kitchen" she demands he chuckles at her bossy behavior.

Austin led her to the kitchen but unfortunately, there is nothing to eat "Are you ghost or something there is nothing to eat" she huffed and put both hands on her hips. Austin loves her every action but he interrupts her "Thanks for telling me but I already ordered food and medicines so don't worry" she shook her head "So you going to eat junk food."

Austin narrowed his eyes "Excuse me look at this" he then pulls up his t-shirt and shows her cut abs her eyes roaming to his body and her gaze widening to see his cut abs she turn her gaze.

Austin scoffs "Do you think junk food helps me to get these abs" he fixes his t-shirt she gives him bored eyes "Oh sorry I forget you were born in the gym" she gives him a sarcastic flat smile. "Look I'm talking about home food, not restaurant food" and this time austin suss her but suddenly the doorbell rang she stare at him confused and he run to the door.

Sebrina follow him and he open door to see a food delivery boy her eyes get wide when she saw 3 food bags.

"You going to eat this I mean the whole 3 bags are you sure you're a human" he scoffed and closed the door sebrina helped him "I didn't know that you're dumb" she give him confused look.

"I know you will come when my order arrives so it's better to order double" he winks at her "I'm human not a gorilla my stomach had some limits" Austin didn't give her attention and went to the living room and place food on the coffee table.

"Where is your other furniture?" She questions him. He was still busy placing food "I don't have time to settle and do decoration I moved in a hurry" she just hummed and seat next to him.

Austin offer her food and she happily accepts both started to eat and she talked about what happened in the office and more. Austin forget why he called her his mind caught up with her he gave his full attention and enjoy her company.

After their dinner, she insists to clean the dishes and reaches to the kitchen and puts all the dirty plates and bowls in the sink, and starts to wash austin watches her in adoration and admires the view "You don't have to do this" austin interrupt her "You offer me food so I must help you plus you sick so I shouldn't bother much."

Sebrina cleans the dishes and sets them in the right place. She turns and sees austin staring at her and standing behind her. she huffed "I done my work, by the way, why did you call me here?" Her tone was normal.

Austin shift his body and stepped toward her "Let's seat" she nodded and both went to the living room and seat on the couch.

Austin takes a long breath "Seb I trust you" he said she feel so nervous. She knew something is bad coming to her.

"Valeria cheat on me with my brother" she shifts her body.

Austin noticed her every movement "She said so many things and I don't believe her but....." She knew this time austin won't forgive her because she hide and didn't tell him and now austin started to trust her she can't break his trust.

"Did you know about Kai and Valeria" the question is simple but she can't afford to tell him the truth but she knew she can't hide anymore she takes a long breath.


Austin's heart shattered when she agreed he gets up from his couch and throw a hard punch at his walls.

Sebrina was scared to see this side she jump in horror and try to calm him but he turn his body and loud and coldly say,


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Till then adios mi amor <3.

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