43; keep messing up ;43

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I groaned, sitting up. My body was achy and tight from laying on hard, stone floor all night. Even though I had been laying on a pillow, my neck was still stiff. The blanket did little to mask the flat hardness of the ground below me, barely cushioning the discomfort. As I sat up, my back cracked in several places, eliciting a groan from deep within my throat. My knee and elbows popped once or twice, and as I hyperextended my limbs to stretch, a few more cracks echoed from my joints. My wrists were quite a bit more achy than they had been yesterday, but I was able to move and extend them, so they were healing up pretty well.

I hadn't had a nightmare- it was weird. A peaceful sleep. I don't remember the last time I had one of those. Then again, when I do, I may not recognize it, so it could seem weirder than it really was. Maybe it was the giddy excitement in my chest throughout the day, which is an exhausting feeling to have for extended periods of time. Maybe it was the fact that I fell asleep in the only nook I truly felt was safe in the Underground. Either way, it was a refreshing feeling- being well rested and feeling good upon waking up.

I looked to the side. Sans was gone.

I couldn't help the frown that made its way onto my face. I suppose it was inevitable- he had made several comments about not staying too long. I wonder if he was back at the sentry stations- perhaps the one in Waterfall? I could stop by and check...

I shook the thought away, it wasn't a good idea. We were barely getting back onto a good note. I didn't want to ruin that by pestering him too much. I'll be thankful for the fact that we got to hang out yesterday and not push my luck. I'm sure I'll see him later today or earlier tomorrow upon his return from working, or Papyrus's loud summoning of the both of us.

A small flash caught my eye, causing me to lose my train of thought. My gaze darted to an elevated position to my left, the general area from which I had registered the light. I squinted my eyes, confused. Was it the light of an echo flower reflecting off of a stone?

It flashed again, and this time I could see where it came from. An area higher up on the natural formations of the rock walls. I narrowed my eyes again, scanning the rock for anything unusual. In the crevice of a particularly deep formation, there was a black speckle that stood out against the glow of an echo flower. I reached in, grabbing the small object and pulling it out. I examined it, seeing a small red light on its side. It flashed again.

I blinked repeatedly, pulling it from the wire it was connected to, which disappeared into the fissure. The red light disappeared, and I assumed that meant it was disconnected from its power source. Upon closer examination, it appeared to be a hidden camera.

What the...

Unease built within me- maybe it was Sans, who would have installed it for safety, but something didn't feel right. I feel like he would of told me if he wanted to do something like that... and I doubt he would have it going off every minute, or so. I crushed it in my fingers, furrowing my brows as I tossed it into the river. Hopefully it was unsalvageable; even if it was Sans, it made me anxious to think someone was watching me like that. I won't take any chances.

I started to walk home after that, taking my still slightly wet clothes with me. My shoes were dry enough that I couldn't feel their dampness through my socks, so I slipped them on. I moved at a brisk pace, as I needed to reapply the medicine on my wrists, which were beginning to ache worse, and check on Doppy. I don't know how long Sans and I had been out here, but I know that he doesn't like to be on his own. Especially around Papyrus, who handles him roughly and makes him uneasy. He prefers to stick with me.

The walk to the snowy town was quiet and uneventful, which was an unlikely blessing down here. I enjoyed the peaceful sounds of running water, and the quiet aura that arose as it transitioned from cave to snow-topped woods.

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now