47; quality time ;47

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The next morning, I had awoken to Sans cuddled into my chest. He was deeply asleep, and could hardly form a sentence upon his awakening. For once, it felt like I was the one who could tease him. It was very entertaining to poke fun at him, and eventually, he managed to escape. He went to go find Papyrus and get the walls, furniture, floors, and ceiling repaired

For the next two days, he made sure Undyne left me (and the house) alone so I could heal properly. I could tell it was taking a toll on him, though. He was napping far more, almost constantly sweating, and having a hard time staying engaged. I felt really bad, but knew the best thing I could do was get better. I did whatever I could to help him though. I cooked for him everyday so he wouldn't have to travel to Grillby's, and kept him occupied when Undyne wasn't around. I showed him my old drawings and artwork from the sketchbook in my guitar case; read him my favorite book; and many other small, meaningless activities to pass the time.

After those two days, I resumed training with Undyne. She went harder on me than she had before; I could tell she was seething about me missing two days' worth of lessons. After that day, Sans and I did some more emergency recovery. I struggled for the first two weeks- it was difficult to keep up with somebody so athletic and experienced. Somehow, after some time and dedication, I started to be able to hold my own. I could survive training fights with her without leaving too battered and bruised, and was getting a handle on the magic I could use.

My ability to heal is where I struggle most. It's much easier when it's for other people, but for some reason, I struggle with healing myself. I was capable of doing so, but it took a lot of energy and often left me out of commission. The large green shield has become easy to procure; I can now summon it, essentially, on command. I've become more proficient in combat, but I don't think I'll ever be too good at fighting. Undyne loves to rant about how I care to much about the people around me, lecturing me on how big of a weakness it is. She also has found recent enjoyment in scolding me about my kindness. Her new mantra is 'You may have a kindness soul, but on the inside of every human soul is determination. Stop being such a pussy and hurt me!' It's rather irritating, but I've grown to accept her distaste for my caring nature- just as she's slowly growing to accept it.

I've grown closer with her as well. Through her mentorship of me, it seems I've also been inadvertently mentoring her. She no longer terrorizes the people of Snowdin when she sees them. In fact, she's become friends (or at least, her version of friends) with Grillby and a few of the more violent townspeople. She will openly converse with people she's more acquainted with, and won't threaten to kill anyone within arm's length. People have started to gather and watch our training sessions, reveling in the true skill that she possesses. She's become a bit of a celebrity in Papyrus's absence. It's not like she's buddy-buddy with everyone, but she's calmed down a bit through her regular interaction with me and, inherently, with the town. People aren't so scared of her anymore and they aren't so vicious to me.

Once or twice a week, we get food at Grillby's after training. She would order a big, greasy meal and several pints of beer. She forces me to get food every time we go, and I've grown a strange fondness for the bar. Grillby isn't as... touchy with me. He's much more polite- although I only ever go there with Undyne or Sans with me, so that may be a contributing factor. The patrons have all become very friendly, and I know each of them fairy well. BunBun, however, doesn't seem to like me very much.

Papyrus doesn't stop by very much. I've seen him two or three times in these past two months. He's impressed with me, but seemed much more worn out and tired. He tried to portray his normal levels of energy, but there are dark bags under his eyes (which doesn't make much sense, now that I think about it) and a decrease in his usual exuberance.

Sans on the other hand is much less reserved with me. It seems like he enjoys conversation; he's actually really funny. At first, his puns were stupid and annoying- especially when he was cracking jokes while dressing my wounds. I've grown fond of them, though. His jokes make me laugh, and my sad attempts at jokes make him laugh too. If anything, I'm glad we're more comfortable with each other. It helps that I've been able to focus on training entirely- it helps distract me and keep me from getting too down.

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now