48; morningtime ;48

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I opened the door quickly, moving it before Undyne could knock and put a hole in the wood. She swung her hand forward to knock just as it swung open, just barely missing my face. She retracted her hand. I smiled up at her and she grinned down at me.

"Fuhuhuhu!" She laughed proudly, "I've improved your senses!"

"Sure you did," I smiled, rolling my eyes. I can hear her stomping into Snowdin from the moment she leaves Waterfall. She's not exactly what I would call quiet.

"You ready for training?!" She asked, punching an enclosed fist into her open hand.

"You know it," I smiled, mimicking her movement. I didn't punch as hard as she did, but she appreciated the motion. She laughed happily, wrapping her arm around my back and practically dragging me to the open area where we trained.

I playfully pushed her arm off, and she picked me up by the legs, hanging me upside down. I shrieked, then huffed, crossing my arms so my sweater didn't fall over my head.

"Fuhuhuhuhu!" She laughed, throwing me up into the air. I yelped, clutching tightly to her arm when she caught me and set me down. I brushed myself off. "You can't challenge me! You're still a puny human!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I scoffed, smiling playfully. I readjusted my shirt as she started talking about her training regimen for today. I walked alongside her, not really paying attention, but appreciating her excitement for our training.

The clearing we were headed to was in between Grillby's and Sans' house. Apparently, there used to be a library between the two. None of the monsters used it and opted to make a larger clearing leading up to the river that connected Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotland. It was a very large, centralized area. Because of its openness, Undyne had decided it was perfect for training.

I followed her happily, occasionally chiming in. The clearing was big, but she insisted we start directly in the middle. I never quite understood her reasoning, but she insisted it was the best place to begin training. Who am I to question her?

My gaze wandered as we walked along, shifting around the neighborhood. There were people walking along and enjoying themselves. As I glanced around me, gaze landed on the woods. I blinked, seeing a figure behind the trees to my right. I narrowed my eyes, the smiled upon seeing MK. He had an awestruck expression and was staring at me and Undyne.

"Hey, MK!" I called happily, and Undyne turned, curious. I had interrupted her, and she certainly wanted to know why.

"Who are you talking to?" She demanded, "The trees?"

"Oh, yeah," I scoffed, "They make for great conversation."

She tried to talk to them herself, but upon getting no response, starting yelling at them for ignoring her. I laughed, waving MK over. He stepped out from behind the tree, mouth hanging open in shock. I grinned widely at him.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" I laughed, approaching him. Undyne followed suspiciously behind me, glaring at the trees. "How's your training going?"

"Training?" Undyne interrupted, "Fuhuhu! No training is better than my training!"

"I- uh... I..." he couldn't speak, and I cocked my head to the side.

"You okay, buddy?"

"You're with Undyne?" He asked incredulously. She was flexing, raising her eyebrows at him.

"Oh, yeah," I shrugged, "She's training me so she can kill me."

"I'm gonna make her the strongest human in the Underground so I can pummel her!" She grinned violently, punching her fist into an open hand again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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