30; the threat ;30

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I moved forward, launching myself to the side and skidding in the snow. I scrambled up, the loose hem at the bottom of my sweater catching under my feet again and tearing further. My heart pounding in my ears and my breath coming out in large plumes of smoke in front of me. On each of my sides, I saw several of those bright red spears zip by, digging menacingly into the snow or dissipating when they got past me. I hardly even registered when I sprinted past Sans and Papyrus' house and onto the foggy path where the latter had insisted on fighting me. I wasn't even running on sight, I suppose. Instinct is all that drove me.

I couldn't see for a while, and my already heavy breathing hardly even made a dent in the fog surrounding me. It didn't make it worse or better, it seemed to just conform to the visibility of the area around it.

It seemed that there were more than two areas to this Underground. Snowdin was wonderful- snowy and cold, perfect movie weather all the time. That is, if they have movies down here. The Ruins were odd, but pretty. Similar to the way a ruinous castle is beautiful. It was more the history embedded in it, and the mysterious air that always seemed to surround you. But, my, this new place. I would spend hours walking through here if I wasn't being chased by a murderous Royal Guardsman.

This first area was sort of a long pathway. The river that ran through Snowdin, with huge ice blocks floating in it, ran alongside the path. It was similar to the feeling of walking on sidewalk after it had rained, although this stone had a bit more give than cement. It was a deep purple- more blue than the Ruins, certainly nowhere near as pinkish. It didn't look as sickly as everything else did. Up until now everything had seemed so dead- just barely existing and rundown. But here? It was beautiful.

On my left ran the river, and on my right, various waterfalls fell from above the roof of the cave, into a deep abyss that began on the other side of the path. Small, glowing blue mushrooms grew in the floor, and in the walls there were small cracks and openings, where the same color shone through.

The river disappeared pretty quickly, turning into a wall. It entered into a still small, but slightly larger area. There was one of those sentry stations, almost an exact replica of the one in Snowdin. There was also a blue flower, which sprouted up through the ground, surrounded by mushrooms. A monster with brick red skin sat next to it, smoking. There was a suspicious duffel back next to it. It eyed me as I sprinted by, but didn't move.

I froze when I looked in front of me. Where the path continued, there was a barrier of large bones- that which both Papyrus and Sans use. I pressed up against it, yanking and pushing on the ivory pillars as hard as I could. I looked behind me, and my eyes widened, seeing the Knight standing at the opposite entrance of the room. I panicked, shouting expletives as I kicked and yanked on the barred wall.

Looking behind again, I saw them with their hand outstretched, an army of spears appearing around their body. I crouched down, pressing against the bones and covering my face, but a loud clank made me open my eyes.

At the last moment, another bone jutted out from the ground. It was huge, and it stabbed through the rocky ceiling above. Any of the spears that would have hit me had gone into the bone. I fell backward, and stared up at the wall which had once stopped me. The bones had risen just enough for me to get through. I stared forward, where the large bone was, and it was now gone. The Knight was stalking toward me again- spears aimed and ready to stab through the opening and directly toward me. I scrambled back, standing up. I tripped over my loose sweater, but began running again. Behind me, the opening in the wall had disappeared. The Knight was now furiously attacking the wall; spears and swift physical attacks launched one after the other, but the bones only shook, never breaking.

God.... I owe those brothers my life three times over after this shit show.

I continued to run.

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora