33; simply an angel ;33

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Sans growled, teleporting across Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotland, somehow still unable to find you. Panic rose slowly in his chest- Papyrus would kill him if he heard about this. He liked you, by some odd twist of fate. Now hearing that is "incompetent" younger brother had managed to lose you, letting you get killed in the process? Sans would be lucky to get out with his head attached to his spine.

He moved around, sweat bead forming across his skull. He grew more irritated with every passing moment. Where the hell were you?

He growled, teleporting to his station in Waterfall and looking around. There was a man sitting, smoking. He walked over, grabbing him by the collar.

"Listen, man, I'm not looking for trouble-"

"I don't give a shit what you're looking for," Sans growled, "have you seen a human woman run through here?"

"A human woman? What do humans even-"

"short. (h/c) hair. red and black sweater."

He squinted his eyes then nodded, "Oh yeah!" He cackled, "Poor bitch was running from Undyne! She's as good as dead by no-"

"not what I'm asking, fuckwad," he growled, "where'd she go?"

"That way," he said, gesturing toward the doorway at the end of the hallway, next to the sentry station. Sans dropped the man instantly, and he fell to the ground with a thud. "Hey wait, you're the guy who's always at the sentry station, right?"

"what about it? you're getting on my nerves."

"I think she was looking for you," he said, "she stopped by the station and looked behind it before she kept running."

"she what?"

"Yeah," he chortled, laying flat and taking a drag from his cigarette. "If you're so dead set on finding the body, you should check the stations- or at least keep an eye on them."

Sans stayed silent, making a 'tch' sound and turned around. He stayed in place for a brief moment, teleporting away. Hating to admit he heeded the advice, he immediately went to the Hotland station, looking around. He growled, his eye glaring in further irritation. Curious- was that all it was?

He continued to zip around, another bead forming on the side of his skull. After a moment, he turned his head, scoffing at the floor. He teleported, appearing in the back room of Grillby's. The flaming purple monster was just entering and blinked upon seeing the skeleton. Quickly, his usual smug grin appeared on his face.

"Ah, back again?"

"shut it. has anyone seen her?"

"Not as far as I know. Information passes quickly here. Although- some... Aaron freak was killed just a few minutes ago."

"that ain't helpful."

"Neither is you popping in here every few minutes to ask about your new little whore."

"she ain't," he snapped, glaring at the flame monster.

"Isn't what? Yours or a whore?" He grinned, the flames atop his head flaring in amusement. Large bones appeared, surrounding his figure.

"you aren't exempt from our rules. watch your fuckin' mouth," Sans snarled, staring dangerously at the man. Grillby chuckled, unbothered by the threat.

"Undyne was last seen in Waterfall, I'd check there if I was so bothered by a wanted woman's whereabouts," he said, flames flickering around the room and grasping several bottles, pulling them toward him.

"I was just there. there's no point."

"Well, check again," Grillby said, his voice snippy, "You're the one who's bent about some human who's going to die either way," he smirked, speaking to himself, "I wonder if she'll look as delicious covered in wounds..."

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