4: enter the ruins :4

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Upon entering the following room, I found a lone dummy standing next to the path. It looked beaten and bruised, burnt to a crisp in a certain areas. I grimaced. I mean, I get that it's for training, but you'd think they would at least go easy on it...

Well, I guess that defeats the purpose of training, though...

For some reason, I was strongly compelled to heal the dummy. I glanced down at my hands, slightly hesitant at trying to do so. Eventually, I screwed up enough courage, and walking from the doorway, just in front of the spike platforms, over to it. I stopped in front of the dummy, placing my hands on either side of its expressionless face, healing a claw mark and a burn.

My hands glowed a bright, but soft green, stitching the fabric back together and ridding the dummy of its facial wounds. I slowly worked my hands around the dummy's body, healing the various wounds all over it. After finished, I stood straight with a huff, lightly tapping the dummy on the head with my knuckle.

"Try not to get too hurt again, Mr. Dummy," I smiled smally, then turned down the path and went toward the next room. The doorway was giant, just as all the others were, just without the column frames, which were replaced with decrepit vines. I turned back toward the dummy, going to give it a final wave, but I found that it had disappeared. I raised an eyebrow, but shrugged afterward, brushing it off as some sort of puzzle or something.

I walked into the next room, finding Flowey looking impatiently at the doorway. Upon seeing me, he sighed, exasperated. "There you are! Geez, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, I got distracted," I mumbled, looking down.

"It's fine, let's just keep going. There's a Froggit at the of this hall- we're going to practice fighting." He said, then disappeared under the ground and appeared at the end of the hall, where it turned a corner.

"W-What do you mean fighting?" I asked, stumbling as I hurried to catch up with him. He pointed around the corner, where I peeked around and saw a muted green frog. It seemed to be permanently angry, and it was covered in bruises and small cuts. I frowned upon looking at it, seeing a small, second face on its stomach, which was shrinking back, hidden under the upper, more threatening part of its body.

"You're going to fight that Froggit to get practice," Flowey said, and the animal turned toward us upon hearing Flowey's voice, then growled dangerously. A small heart came out of my chest, and I shrieked, stumbling back.

It was green, and about the size of a heart you could make with your hands. It had scratches and scars all across it- I counted six or seven in total. I scrambled back against a wall, staring at it fearfully, but it didn't seem to be threatening at all. It floated passively in front of my chest, unmoving.

"That heart is your soul," Flowey said, a few vines coming up and stopping the Froggit from attacking. They formed almost prison bars, and the Froggit started gnawing on them loudly, "the very culmination of your bein.... wait, what?" His face scrunched up as he stared at my 'soul' in disbelief, confusion ridden on his features. He mumbled to himself, "How could your HP be so low...?"

"What?" I asked, "What do you mean HP?"

"Oh, uhm! That's not important!" He said quickly, very clearly trying to change the subject. "So, uhm, soul, culmination of your being, yeah. When you get into a fight with a monster, your soul will come out of your chest. It's your weak point- you cannot, under any circumstances, allow your soul to get attacked.

"Your body can get destroyed, but as long as your soul is okay, you still stand a chance." He said, then turned to the frog-like creature, who was still chewing on the vines. "In a battle, you can fight, act, or use an item. You can also run, or use mercy, but this is sort-of a practice battle, so don't do that. So, I want you to fight the Froggit."

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