16: even more dogs :16

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Before me was a dog, who towered about a foot over me. It was staring down, red eyes wide as it clutched the spear in its hand. It panted, grinning down at it drooled over me. It breathed weirdly slow for a panting dog, its tongue hung loosely out, drool falling. All of its movements were slow and focused, it's attention solely on me, completely unwavering. It wore rusted silvery armor, suggestive white dust covering the knees and arms. A shield was in the other hand of the dog, rocking slowly back and forth

I stared at it uncomfortably, shifting my eyes to the side. I glances back and suddenly its neck has gotten just slightly longer, moving up and forward. I took a small step backward, leaning on my back foot. My soul phased out of my chest, and I watched it go forward. The dog's eyes immediately moved down, its smile widening as its eyes followed the bright green heart as it floated passively in front of my chest.

I looked up at the dog, and it smiled, spear suddenly coming crashing down atop my soul. My eyes widened and I was frozen in place, the light blue spear running straight through my soul. I felt no pain at all, it simply impaled the floor, as if it had just phased through my soul.

The dog looked at me with it's haunting expression, teeth bared as it readied its spear for an attack. I stumbled to the side, falling into the snow and dodging out of the way of the spear. It just barely missed me, slamming into the snow right beside me.

I scrambled to the side, moving and barely dodging the barrage of spears attacking me. Doppy swung back and forth, gripping on my hair and scrambling around as he tried to stay with me. I was panting, staring up at the dog, who's eyes were still glued on the bright green heart hovering passively in front of my chest.

It was a dog again. What's with this place and dogs?

"Petting..." I breathed in the snow, "Petting worked last time..."

Doppy whined out a croak, yanking my hair as he tried to stay up. The spears finally stopped, and the dog's head flopped to the side, irregularly long neck letting its head lay on its shoulder.

I stumbled up from the floor, my vision going black for a moment. And that's on iron deficiency.

I walked slowly up to the dog, feeling strangely violated by its unwavering gaze on my soul. It was eyeing me as I slowly walked toward it, smiling as it raised its spear and slamming it down. I flinched, pursing my lips as my eyes flickered to the weapon. I raised my hands up and its eyes turned from my soul to my hand, eyeing it with its mouth closed for the first time since I had seen it.

I placed my hand a few inches away from its nose. It bared its teeth, growling at my hand. My fingers flinched back, but I didn't move my hand.

It's just an aggressive dog, nothing new...

Its eyes remained on my hand, its neck shifting forward so its nose was in my palm. I stared in fear, but it only sniffed my hand. I breathed out, extending my fingers slightly, scratching under its chin. It looked up at my face, plopping the bottom of its snout on my hand and sticking its tongue out a little bit.

I smiled smally, staring at he dog's face. I continued to scratch under its neck, moving my hand around and massaging up and down its face and behind his ears. It's tongue hung out, , it panting with eyes halfway closed in euphoria.

I watched as it's neck grew longer and longer, extending up higher and higher while it head remained in my hand. The fur was just as dirty an matted as the rest of it was, not like new fur. It was a cross between horrifying and curious. Where did all that neck come from?

My soul phased into its chest, and it flopped on top of me. I collapsed under the ground, groaning out a laugh as it flopped down. Its spear and shield fell to the ground as its neck piled on top of me. Its head rested directly on my chest, beaming up at me, practical stars in its eyes.

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