17: the final puzzle :17

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As I continued forward, I came across a bridge, extremely thin and over and extremely large ravine. There were ropes on either side of it, but they only added to the unsafe look of the bridge. I frowned, looking at it. Across the bridge were the small figures of the two skeletons, meaning this was probably another one of their puzzles.

I took a deep breath, taking a step onto the bridge. It wavered as soon as I set my foot on it, rocking side to side. I retracted my foot, looking up to Doppy.

"Do you think there's any other way across..?"

He nodded, using one his his small hands to point to the side. I sighed happily, smiling up at him. I turned away from the bridge, but flinched and froze at the sound of a voice.


I whined, looking back. I could faintly tell he had his hands on his hips, and was staring directly at me. I looked back at the bridge, then up at him. I breathed out, grabbing the ropes on either side of the bridge as I put my foot on it.

I slowly made my way down, staring at my feet the whole way across. The whole thing shook and rocked as I walked across, and I had a death grip on those ropes. My knuckles were white from how hard I held them, and I had no doubt there was rope burn on my palms. I barely loosened my grip as I moved forward, and it hurt, absolutely. There was no way I was letting go of my only lifeline- no way.

When I was finally a bit away from the two skeleton brothers, Papyrus spoke up.


I stared down fearfully. If there was one thing I was scared of- it was heights. "Do... do you think we could maybe do that, uhm, after..? Like after I get off the bridge?"

"OF COURSE NOT!" He said, putting his hands on his hips once again. "THE PUZZLE IS ON THE BRIDGE!"

I whimpered, clutching the ropes tighter as I stared down. I pressed my feet firmly into the wood, terrified of not having anything somewhat solid under me.

"HUMAN! PREPARE YOURSELF FOR..." He pressed the button on a small remote, and six machines lowered, three on either side of the bridge. On my left, there was a giant flamethrower, fire billowing out of the end. Behind it was a huge metal spear, followed by a small dog, spinning on a rope. On the right was a giant swinging ax, then a cannon, and then a giant spiked ball on a chain. "THE GAUNTLET OF TERROR AND INEVITABLE, PAINFUL DOOM!"

"Oh, my god..." I whimpered, staring up at the weapons.


He pressed the button and all of them released. My eyes widened in fear, and I clutched the ropes tighter. The huge ax swung and the bridge snapped, the spear shooting and destroying it further. The fire set the bridge aflame, and the cannonball missed the falling pathway completely. The dog just kinda... swung there. Just as the spiked ball did.

I screamed as the bridge fell, adrenaline surging through my veins. I clutched one of the ropes as hard as I could, wrapping my legs around it as well. The whole thing slammed against the wall of the ravine, the majority of the wood shattering. There were a few pieces that remained, attached securely, clearly, but for the most part, it was the two ropes.

I panted, staring down into the abyss below me. Tears welled up and fell down my cheeks as I stared down. I clutched the rope, hanging over the ravine. My entire body shook. Every part of me had shut down and I was operating on fight or flight and adrenaline alone.

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