21: confrontations :21

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I smiled up at Grillby, tall and made of flames. His mouth was marked by a thin line of slightly lighter fire, and was curved up into a smile that was almost condescending. His black wire rimmed glasses glinted, his eyes flickering up and down my figure. My clothes were soaked on one side, and dry on the other, and my pants were both completely wet. Nevertheless, I was beaming up at him, happily hugging Doppy to my chest.

"Yeah, I had to talk to Papyrus," I hummed. His eyes flickered toward Sans, who was still sound asleep.

"Talk to him, you say?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I would think he'd be aiming to capture and kill you, seeing as you are of the... surface persuasion."

"Well, yeah, he tried," I grinned, "But I talked him out of it. Now I guess I'm his pupal, or something."

"How very interesting," He commented, grabbing my chin between his index finger and thumb. My smiled shone and I couldn't keep myself from being at him. "You are an enigma, (y/n)."

"Says the guy made of fire," I snorted, and he chuckled himself, pulling his hand away.

"I assume you are here for your instrument, no?" He asked, "Then you'll be on your way?"

I shook my head, "I think I'll stay here. It's not like I have anywhere else to go."

"There's never a lack of Underground to explore when you're new."

I hesitated, looking off to the side. I sat down on a bar stool, petting Doppy in my lap. "I... I think I'll stay here. I'm not to keen to find anymore people who want to kill me..."

"Hm," He hummed, looking down at me with a pause before pulling out his notepad. "An odd choice, but an intelligent one. I suppose I should get you a drink for calming our terrorizer."

"Your terrorizer?" I asked, "Papyrus?"


I scrunched up my face in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Are you not aware?" He asked, seeming as genuinely confused as I was. Seeing my expression, he sighed. "These skeletons run Snowdin. Papyrus has established rules and strict guidelines for the inhabitants." He glanced at Sans, still asleep. "He is the one to fear, but since they are too often seen together, many people fear his brother as well." He sighed, leaning on the counter next to me. "It seems as though I am the only one who doesn't fear them. Well, me... and you."

He smirked at me, and I looked at Sans, concerned. "Sans doesn't seem all that weak."

"He's nowhere near it. His brother is just more upfront about it," Grillby sighed.

"Should we be talking about him while he's right there?" I asked, "It seems a bit rude."

"very," Sans spoke, not so much as opening his eyes. His voice was gravelly and tired, his body not moving at all. I flinched, looking between the two men.

"It's also rude to eavesdrop," Grillby said without missing a beat, looking at the skeleton for a moment before returning his gaze to me. "Now where were we?"

"I was just about to leave," I said quickly, smiling up at him. My heartbeat quickened and a nervous sweat found its way to the back of my neck, even though I was freezing wet. I glanced down at the small skeleton. For some reason I felt like I needed to get far away from him, as far away as I could. "Would you mind grabbing my guitar, Grillby?"

He raised his eyebrow, a knowing smile gracing his face. He chuckled quietly, nodding. "Of course. Where are you planning on going?"

"The hotel, I guess," I shrugged, looking off to the side. "I need to rent out a room for another night."

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now