8: left in the dark :8

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Toriel came into the house and all hope flooded out of me, I nearly collapsed to the floor. I wiped away my tears quickly, breathing rapidly to try to calm myself down. I glanced all around the room in paranoia, finally settling on the two monsters when I had safely realized that Toriel wasn't in the room.

"Okay, I need you guys to get out of here," I said heavily.

"What?! No, we can't leave you with that psycho!" Flowey whisper-shouted. For once, Doppy croaked in agreement with him.

"Please, Flowey, I'm begging you," I pleaded, pressing my hands together to emphasize my point.

"Oh, my!"

Toriel's voice sounded from outside the room and I looked fearfully behind me. Flowey grumbled, "Go deal with her. We'll discuss this later."

I sighed in defeat, cautiously walking out of the room. Toriel beamed as she looked around the house, and when her gaze settled on me, she stared lovingly. She speed-walked my way and pulled me into a hug- a nice, gentle hug.

"Oh, my child, you are so wonderful," she smiled, "You didn't have to do such things."

"I-I just..." I was almost paralyzed with fear, but I still somehow managed a smile as she pulled away from me. "I thought I would help, is all."

"Aren't you just the perfect little girl?" She asked quietly, seeming like she was talking to herself more than she was talking to me. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, smiling fondly at me. "Of course, I can't let that go unrewarded, can I?"

"P-pardon?" I squeaked.

"I'll make you your pie right away!" She nodded happily, clasping her hands together with a wide smile on her goat-like face. "I'm quite well-known fro my butterscotch cinnamon pie, you know."

"Oh, well in that case, I can't wait to taste it," I smiled, strained and tight. I was on the brink of tears.

"Oh, my! I must get to work them!" She said excitedly, kissing my forehead before scurrying to the room where her armchair was. I was just about to let out a sigh, but she turned around. "I'll be in here for a while, my child, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to come get me!"

"Of course," I nodded. Then she finally disappeared into the kitchen. I whirled around, nearly sprinting to my room. I closed the door behind me when I entered, letting out the air I had been holding in my lungs for that entire interaction.

I was shaking furiously, my bottom lip trembling as I stared at the floor, trying to hold in tears. That kid's mutilated body kept flashing through my mind- I couldn't get the horrifying image out of my head. I let out a small whimper, my hands shaking even though they were pressed as firmly against the door.

Doppy croaked affectionately, hopping toward me and rubbing his head against my calf.

"What happened?" Flowey demanded, "You were fine literally a couple minutes ago."

"There's a human," I choked out, covering my mouth, "There's a human kid in that room. She cut them up and... oh god..."

"A human?" Flowey asked, pressing his lips together. "...were they wearing a blue and purple shirt?"

I scrunched up my face in confusion, tears still falling. "Wha... what?"

"Was the kid wearing a blue and purple striped shirt?" He demanded, a little bit louder. His face was darkened. He looked... I don't know how he looked. The best way to describe it is... upset, I guess?

"Yeah, they were..." I said, sniffling. I was so confused I had almost forgotten my horror. "What... Why? How did you know?"

He looked away. "It's nothing."

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now