45; again, do it again ;45

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I sighed, staring at the ceiling. I was laying on the couch after a night of tossing, turning, and pacing when I couldn't get my eyes to close. It was hard to tell between day and night in the Underground. There was no sun to rise or fall, no sky to darken and light up. I missed it. It was always the blinding light of the snow that shone through the window. At least, during the night, I could go out and stare at the Swiss-cheese moon, count the stars, trace out constellations with my fingers. It was perpetual, blinding snow that shone through the windows. I always liked the snow, but I missed the night.

I groaned, standing up. I couldn't close my eyes or force myself to sleep. I slammed my arms against the couch cushions. I stood, pacing back and forth beside the coffee table. I ran my hands through my hair, sighing. Doppy was sound asleep on the couch.

"I can't tell if it's night or day, who knows when she's coming?!" I growled, breathing out hastily.

"it's almost morning," Sans's voice sounded from behind me.

"What-?" I cut myself off upon seeing him, sighing and pressing my hand on my forehead. "Thank you."

"no problem," he shrugged, then pointed into the kitchen. "you know we have a clock in there."

"But I don't know how to read numbers yet," I sighed.

He gave me a look like I was stupid, "it's oriented the same way a human clock is. you can just look at the positioning."

"I-" I pursed my lips, narrowing my eyes at him. He smirked and I groaned, dismissively waving at him. "Ugh, stop it... I'm worried for good reason."

"I can fix that," he said, lazily approaching me. I shook my head.

"No, no, stop..." I crouched down, hugging my knees to my chest. "I don't want to be distracted when she comes."

"so I distract you?" He purred.

"I said please stop," I mumbled, putting my head on my knees. "Your whole... fake flirting thing may be a temporary solution but it doesn't fix the fact that I'm freaking out again five minutes later."

"who says it's fake...?"

"What did you say?" I asked, his mumble almost entirely incoherent. He shrugged.


I sighed rolling my eyes. "Okay, whatever..."

I stared at the window, watching the snowflakes fall. Most times the snow stayed at this level, but every once in a while, the weather would fluctuate. Sometimes it would melt more than normal and you could almost see the floor below it. Other times, it piled up, rising to levels that were taller than me. Today was a day like most. Stagnant.

Sometimes I long for stagnancy, sometimes I fear it. Depends on the day, really.

"Do you think she's gonna kill me?" I mumbled.

"you were the one who told me she wouldn't," he shrugged. "I think you know how I feel."

"But I don't have a choice," I groaned. "If I don't do what she says..."

"she'll probably kill you," he shrugged, finishing my sentence. "and if not, like you're so convinced she can't, she'll kill everyone here."

"So I have to trust Papyrus's crazy theory," I mumbled. I scoffed, "Worst case scenario, I die. Who cares?"

"I won't let that happen. Better you than everyone here," he said.

"No way, that's not an option!"

"if you're about to be killed and I save you, you don't really have a choice," he grinned.

A Place Of Despair (UF!Sans x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now